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What are you smoking today?


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I am smoking my same regular sun dried Sativa outdoor grown, thank to the farmers in the region. Now don't try to find any frost, any Christal... coz there is none... lol it is very slightly sticky on certain parts of the budds and not all of them. So it is what it is, happy to have this at least... anyway i always find something to smoke even in countries where you loose your life for it lol.


this is at present 15$ for 8gr, the price is a reference for all of you guys, remember I am in Asia so it's not treated the same type of commodities yet... 


After all no matter which country I am residing in... I always find that the weed or the hash found are of a good quality, only seldomly I had bad batch, like side crop that didn't mature with a lot of sugar leaves without  the sugar... equivalent to smoking a Lipton bag lol.

The problem is this one and it's funny in a way as these guys have been growing it for ages! And yet they still grow it leaving all the males in so it's a seedy weed that we get, seeds are the problem in the equation, seeds means pollinisation meaning concentration of the effort in making seeds and not concentration on making more Christals in order to make sure to grasp even the little trace of pollen that might be floating around and upside facto making the flower more potent. When the flower concentrate in making seeds, the potency reduce considerably. I am convinced that this landrace we are having here have so much potential if grown in the right condition and with care.




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