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I'm a Quebec student that just finished it's BAC last session, and start a master degree in a couple of days in electrical engineering... The reason I'm telling you this, is that I recently figured out I had ADD Overfocus or Racing Brain Syndrom, and after reading a lot on the subject and the effect of cannabis, I realised I might not have got that far in school without me using cannabis on a regular basis..

It helped me with headache, concentration, socialisation, asthma, sleep, eating, physical pain (back, neck, shoulder). This pathology is new to me, so I'm not yet diagnosed and haven't found a specialist to help me, but I know MJ will be my medication.

Also, I have some ideas to develop a system that would make it easy for everyone to do hydroponics grows (fill the nutrients reservoir, plug the water hose, and voila). Also, I'm thinking about starting doing some research on the effect of different cannabis strain. So I'm going to ask some question around this.


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