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yeah I have good news, I just spoke to Franco and he told me they were having some trouble with their network connections and had to hide somewhere last night in the mountains.

Luckily the is a Tech guy near them and he's currently sorting out the network problem. he looks like he knows what he's doing!!!!!!


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Strain Hunters – Swailand – Día 7

Saludos amigos, en primer lugar pediros disculpas por no poder actualizar ayer, fue imposible conectar. Ahora tenemos un rato así que vamos con la actualización, espero que os guste!

Despertamos temprano pero bien descansados, es hora de ir a desayunar en el precioso bar, que tiene unas fantásticas vistas. Hoy como sorpresa me han traído una caja en el desayuno, pensaba que era una broma que me querían hacer y habrían metido una rana o algo…lol pero no mi buen amigo Tando se molesto en ir a primera hora a comprarla y me la mando, ya que cada día yo pedía y nunca tenían, estos detalles son algo precioso para mi, conseguir hacer buenos amigos en lugares tan lejanos es algo que llena mucho. Desde luego este es un lugar al que echaré de menos cuando nos vayamos. Y lo bueno que estaba la tarta, Dios, gracias brother si lees esto!!

Bueno hora de empezar el día, nos vamos a los coches y empieza nuestro camino hacia las colinas, hoy está nublado y llueve a ratos, muy bonito para las fotos pero no para las cámaras, hace bastante fresco y nos tenemos que poner las chaquetas, y coger los protectores para el material.

Paramos en un mini poblado, y hacemos una visita a las gentes locales y conocemos sus casas y hábitos. Luego bajamos por un camino no muy largo hasta unas aguas termales naturales que ha formando círculos. Se supone que tienen grandes propiedades medicinales, puedes ver el agua hervir, con las burbujas que brotan desde dentro de la Tierra. Increíble.

Volvemos a las cabañas y presenciamos unos ritos chamanes, la cabaña es alucinante, llena de cosas por todo colgando, desde serpientes a los mas inusual, infunde bastante respeto. Aquí es donde se pierde la línea que separa la medicina de la magia. Una experiencia muy interesante.

Volvemos a los coches y vamos a los primeros campos, primero recogemos a la cultivadores y guias de la zona, que están de un inusual buen humor, no paran de reírse, supongo que les damos gracia en muchas cosas. En el vehículo antes de partir hacemos un tentempié y compartimos un poco de comida con los niños de la zona que en seguida se unen al grupo, y se van asomando de entre todos los rincones.

Nos adentramos en el campo, y después caminar un rato empiezan a aparecer los primeros campos, algunos con plantas realmente excelentes, no solo de gran porte, altas y claramente sativas, sino con aparte buen nivel de densidad y excelentes propiedades organolépticas .

También cruzamos por campos jóvenes, donde están empezando a crecer, todas con muy buen color, un verde limpio y sano. Aquí no es fácil pues la cantidad de animales que gustan de comérselas son muchos y normalmente hacen pequeños cercos para evitar las bestias mas grandes. A parte de que al igual que en muchos de este tipo de cultivos, una o varias personas están permanentemente vigilando el campo, de día y de noche.

El paisaje es muy pintoresco y cabrón, diría yo, porque una vez mas he metido la pierna en el agua patinando entre las rocas, y ahora caminar es un agobio, pero ya estoy acostumbrado. Tengo un don para meter la pata…lol

La lluvia a aminado aunque todo el cielo está nublado y no podemos distraernos demasiado, así que intentamos recopilar todo el material posible, fotos entrevistas, fumar un poco con los cultivadores y ver que semillas son las mas interesantes. Luego volvemos a los coches justo para la puesta de Sol, que merece la pena de ser disfrutada, así que las últimas fotos y al coche que estamos bastante cansados.

Después de ir un rato por el camino de nuevo se ha pinchado una rueda, no puedo decir que me extrañe porque sé me de más de uno que conduce como un loco…al menos esta vez no hay mucho problema y podemos cambiarlo en unos minutos para seguir nuestro trayecto.

Ahora tenemos como una hora y media de caminos, para llegar a una caverna, donde haremos noche, el camino es el pero que he visto, realmente no puedo creer que el coche pudiera pasar, una locura total y más de noche.

Pero al final llegamos a destino, hacemos un buen fuego y empezamos a poner carne sobre él y a fumar unos porros en este mágico lugar, no se puede describir de otro modo. Muchas gracias de nuevo por seguirnos, es un placer poder leeros todos los días, da muchos animos!

Saludos y felices fumadas, Mr.X

pd more potos coming...

pd mas fotos en el siguiente post...












































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aaaaaaah finally about time :P :P we had to watch an african on a computer instead of your wonderful pics was hard for the eyes :D

Waiting for the rest glad to see everyone's ok ;)

Looks like we're gonna see some nice trees today :)

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I wake up with the first daylight, before anyone else. I slept like a baby, and I feel in full shape. In my room there is a kettle and some freeze-dried coffee, so I help myself to a strong cup before my morning joint of local Swazi landrace.

By 8 am we drive to the restaurant for breakfast, and we wait for Dave and But to come back from the nearby town where they went to get water, meat and other supplies we will need tonight. When they are back we check out and drive off, towards a rural area in the hills, where our local contact is waiting. The weather is cloudy, and as we climb uphill it gets rainy.

Our contact is a local school teacher, and a proud grower; he guides us to a small hidden valley where several fields are visible from far away like shiny green spots in the rocky landscape. We walk down to the first field, where plants are very young and still in vegetative growth. The genetics are clearly mostly sativa, and the plants very healthy. Then we move on to a lower field, with more developed plants. But the real deal is the third field just across a small stream on the other side of the valley. Here the plants are in full flowering, and again we see a lot of mix with high-grade genetics imported from abroad.

The teacher explains to us the economics and the politics of cannabis in Swaziland, and he confirms once more that cannabis is the single cash-crop sustaining most of the Swazi rural population. The demand for high-grade, seedless weed is overwhelming, and the local growers struggle to get enough seeds for their fields. Every year less hectares are planted with original Swazi, and more hectares are planted with high-grade mixed genetics; and this gives even more importance to our mission. We are here to collect and preserve the landrace, to make sure the original Swazi will continues to grow all over the world, in the hands of passionate breeders and growers.

We walk back to the cars and take a break to eat some canned food and have a smoke, then it's time to drive again. The sunset is on, and we stop along the road to shoot a time-lapse of the most gorgeous sunset we saw during this expedition.

As soon as the sun as set we drive on; it's about an hour and a half drive to reach the area where we will spend the night. But Africa is tough: after a few kilometers one of my tires pops. Fortunately this time we are able to change it really fast, and in 10 minutes we are moving again.

Simon gets news that the cops are patrolling the road to the camp where we are supposed to spend the night, at a local grower's hut. It's too dangerous to drive there, especially since we are carrying all the video material we shot today.

We decide to take a detour, and to go spend the night in a mountain-refuge for trekkers. Simon has been there before, during the scouting missions, and he knows the way. It is already completely dark, and ahead of us lays a very challenging off-road path. We arrive at a small group of houses in the total darkness, and from there the road becomes a steep, rocky path descending downhill through the bush.

It's all 4x4 driving in low-range, and the road is so bad that Arjan has to walk ahead of the car in some places to check the best lines where to lay the wheels, or to remove big rocks from the path. The tires on our 4x4 are not up to the task, and we have only 1 spare left on 2 cars, so we really have to watch our moves. I hope the weather is gonna stay dry, or we are going to be in trouble trying to drive back uphill tomorrow morning.

Finally we arrive at the cave.

It's a backpackers trekking camp, built inside the rocks on the side of a mountain, overlooking a large valley. But we don't really see much, because it's pitch dark. A large fire is burning, and we organize a grill to cook the meat we got with us.

Pretty soon we are all eating around the fire, and we realize how much we needed food. The local meat is juicy and tasty, a real treat after a long day.

After dinner I lay on a huge flat rock, looking at the sky for a while. It's a clear night with no light-pollution, and I see amazingly bright shooting stars. We have no wifi network here, and the mobile phone network comes and goes; I try to log on the forum using my phone, but it's impossible.

We will upload pics and movies tomorrow, as soon as we reach some network.

Time to get my sleeping bag, find a spot under the stars and get some rest.

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and here is some update from DAY 6, when Simon fell hard on his back on the rocks along the river, and I lost my GoPro....

at 00:49 you can see my head emerging from the water without the GoPro, and then you hear me screaming "fuck fuck fuck" LOL

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Im a new guy, just got in to the Strain hunters. Sitting here vaping my morning OG Kush, These are the most amazing Vids. and pics Ive ever seen. The documentary quality for us lovers of the sacred weed is the best. I feel like Im right there. Im hanging out here until you guys get old like me and have to slow it down and who knows how the culture will have developed by then. Best of karma to you guys on the trail, and thanks for sharing.

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