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Lao Chicken Soup


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Lao Chicken Soup (Tom gai sai sa)

"Tom gai sai sa" in Lao means Boiled Chicken with marijuana. This is a Lao chicken soup dish with the addition of ganja. Ganja has been used in Laos since ancient times for recreation and medicine. It is knowledge amoungst Lao people that Ganja is good for treating bad cases of diaorehoea and stomach pains. This dish is a traditional way of consuming ganja that the whole family can enjoy. Although ganja smoking is not something that is done by everyone, Ganja Chicken Soup is something that all members of society can partake in - men, women, old people and children. It is not seen as a bad thing and is accepted as part of the culture. They say that they eat ganja chicken soup and then "muan"- have fun.

I have tried this soup many times and it is good. However if you are a heavy smoker this might give you just a small mellow feeling - but for people who don't normally use cannabis, this soup can get them really high!

For 4 people You need:

Half a chicken

sliced onion

1-2 sticks lemongrass

big slices of ginger

some galangal slices (if available)

some whole corriander root

1 decent sized Tomato (Sliced)

a little Tamarind (optional)


salt to taste

a generous amount of Ganja

1) put the chicken in water with the sliced ginger, sliced galangal, and lemongrass and onion. Begin to boil.

2) When the soup has been boiling for a few minutes, add the ganja and the corriander root. Add salt.

3) Boil untill well cooked and all the flavours blend into the soup. Near the end of cooking, add the tomato slices (this adds a little sourness to the soup).


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  • 4 months later...
  • 4 months later...

Is the cannabis Fresh or Dried in this recipe?

I think I'll try fresh buds first, chopped/stems removed, or would it be better texturally used as a bouquet garni and removed afterward?

I find dry cannabis has an "acquired" taste that tends to overwhelm many other flavors.

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Anyone know how much a "generous amount of marijuana" is? I find I can be quite generous sometimes, lol and don't want to overdo it ;) Im sure it has to be dried for a more psychoactive effect :)

I have a friend that can't eat sweet things, makes him sick so ganja soup sounds perfect :)

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