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DIY Fertilizer - Kelp

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Ahoya all

Here in Cape Town I am very blessed with lots of Kelp laying around on the beaches. Unfortunately getting it is almost like growing ganja. Its not illegal , but you do need a permit to collect. I find this utterly unfair seeing that when you take a drive along our coastline the kelp is layning EVERYWHERE !!! We once got pulled over by the police and they were quite upset with us and we got away with a warning. We thought we were being pulled over due to the joint we were smoking LoL.

But that did not stop us from collecting more at a different location. So after chopping it up and adding it to a compost heap ( great activator ) I decided to take a bag and fill it with leftover pieces. I filled a 25L bucket with water and added the bag of kelp. Its been a week now and things are looking good. I stir the water every other day and the color is turning slowly to a darker brown/orange. I will be keeping it this way for at least another 3 weeks and then I will be testing it.

The tester plant will be bagseed Swazi cause I don't feel like losing mybother ladies due to a fuck up. If anyone has any tips or advice it will be appreciated. I'm just following advice from the web and common sense. I haven't added airration to the setup cause I only have 1 and its being used in my diy bubbler setup.

So yeah that's my little experiment that I'm working in for free fertilizer. Next up I'm doing a compost tea. Got some crazy good Organic compost and I read a great article on High Times about compost teas . The reason I'm trying this is because I am tired of paying for something that I can make myself.

Love and Light



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Well it will be interesting to see how your tes work! Make sure to keep us updated about it ;)


And yeah it is fucked up that we can not have free access to what our earth gives us, but well i guess some people would abuse of it if it wasnt like this?

Anyway have a good grow with those tea ;)

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Hi bro, really interesting to see how this work out.

The only advise I can tell you because I lived by the sea for many years.

Everything you want to use for compost or tea that you picked up at the beach or sea or close area, it has to be really good rinsed with sweet water.

Otherwise you could end putting a lot of salt ( sodium ) in the tea or the compost pile, and salt it could be really bad for our ladies.

Take care.

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Dust, I will keep you all updated. I already have my tester plant ready and I'm just waiting till next week and then I'll start my feeding test.

Fran.gh, I did not think about that at all. Now I'm a bit pissed at myself. But I guess that's how you learn. And what is sweet water ???

Love and Light


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