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  • HC01

    HC01 Auto-Bomb OFFICIAL TEST

    By HC01

    First I would like to thank Green House Seeds, a seed to make the best Franco and Fuzzy for trusting me and put me on the list of Tester. And the moderators Romeo and Dusty for support. It's my first test, and I'm here to learn and not to teach for so I can fix any errors. But is not my first crop, already growing sativas South American strains. Peace to all!

New Forum Tips and Tricks Part 1

Welcome to the first entry of my new blog. I'll be keeping you updated on what new things are happening on our websites, expos and other related events. Today the server had a hard disk failure and was switched off for a couple of hours. Luckily everything was recovered, but we're gonna take the step and get a new server. It's been running for about 2 or 3 years now. All is under control, the site may be unreachable during the upgrade for a couple of hours. How to create your own photo gallery:



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