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Methods of outdoor cannabis cultivation




Outdoor planting sites are important.Choose your planting site.To have a successful harvest, it is often important to choose the right place.You don't want them to be disturbed by humans, and you don't want them to be disturbed by animals, so choose your location carefully.Look for a place that you can reach but that is not obvious.Consider the following factors:

A good and reliable water source is necessary.A location near a river or stream is ideal, but keep in mind that there is a risk of flooding in spring and autumn.Look for a trail of water high in the water, in the forest, or on a rock.

Avoid areas where pine trees grow -- the soil in such areas may be too acidic;Look for grassy hillsides and see what else grows on them.If there is enough grass, weeds, and nettles, the place is likely to have good soil and water.Woodlands are also worth considering, but consider that sunlight reaches the plants through the canopy.As you explore the site, think about how it will change over the next few months.In the summer, temperatures will get hotter, sunlight will get stronger, and your plants will probably get roasted more than they do now.

Find a place where your plants get at least five hours of direct sunlight each day, where does the sun shine in the morning and where does it shine at night?What happens when the seasons change?

Land preparation.The easiest way is to start small -- about 10 feet apart.That sounds like a lot, but there's only five feet of space on either side of the leaf.Remember, they can grow up to 1.5 meters tall!

Remove weeds nearby and dig holes of the right size.They should be at least 2 feet deep and 2 feet wide.It's best to use your own clean soil from the garden supply store, which also sells compost and compost.Virgin woodland soils often contain high levels of pests and disease and may not be of the best quality.It is best to cover the planting area with a thick film to keep moisture below the ground.


Plant seeds.Planting should be done at the beginning of the season, around April or may, after the last frost.Obviously, the timing will depend on where you plant it.If you're in the northern hemisphere, it's the turn of spring and summer.

Spring in the southern hemisphere begins on September 1 and needs to wait for a warm period after that date.Cannabis plants don't tolerate frost, so it's best to avoid it for safety.

Plant the seeds of the plant, using the sides, and insert the seeds about 1.25 cm (1/2 ") into the soil you have prepared.Make sure they're watered, and make sure the sun doesn't get too dry.Also, make sure they're always moist.After about 48 hours you should start to see the seeds open and then the buds will come out.

Provide your plants with a constant supply of water.The best solution would be to have a stream, river or lake nearby and attach a solar pump with a timer.This is the best way, not the easiest.Water the plants every morning and evening.

Another solution is to design your own core system, as discussed earlier.Drill a hole the size of a half a pea into the bottom of a 5-gallon (18 liter) or 10-gallon (or more) bucket or plastic container.Place the bucket next to the plant and use a cloth or cotton string to transfer water (or nutrient solution) from the hole in the bucket to the soil near the plant.

You should be sure to provide the right amount of water.Too much water and your plants will drown (you'll see the leaves turn yellow);There is too little water for them to grow.Ultimately, you should use about 20 to 40 gallons (75 to 150 liters) of water per season.It all depends on the type of soil you use and the amount of light your plants receive to adapt.

Add fertilizer to your plants.Once the seedlings are planted, they quickly enter a vigorous vegetative growth stage.From such a fragile beginning, plants quickly become whole and strong.It would be nice to add some nitrogen fertilizer to your plants at this stage.

Unlike growing marijuana indoors, where you can't control the duration of the vegetative growth phase, the plant may grow larger in the summer.But at least there's no pot in your room.

After about three weeks of planting, remove the weeds around the plant.If your plantation is in the wilderness, threatening weeds will soon take over the land and drain your lovely seedlings.You don't need to burn them in the first place, you just need to clear the area around each plant about 3 feet (1 meter).

Repeat the process about 3 weeks later.You may need to do it again in 3 weeks, depending on your area.Most plants, at this point, are strong enough to make room for themselves and defeat the weeds.

If something bad happens in the weather, check your plants for damage.Strong winds, rain, and drought can all undo your efforts.However, don't give up, these plants can save themselves, so don't panic if you're in an area with bad weather.

Identify plant sex.While it's often tricky to identify the sexes of marijuana, it's easier if you gain more experience.The reason for identifying the sex of a plant is that you can then remove the male plant before it pollinates the female plant.If pollination is successful, female plants will begin to grow seeds, which will distract them from producing THC.

At the end of summer, with fewer daylight hours, the change in light will trigger your plants to bloom.What you need to look at is the preflowering characteristics of the branches where they join.

Male anthesis should be easier to discern, but a magnifying glass makes it easier to see.Male flowers form at the junction of branches and stems, and pollen sacs form small balls.Remove the male plants."

Pay attention to flowering.The female flower will begin to form coke balls at the junction of branches, with the largest one at the top of each plant.And if you look closely, you'll see pods, and they expand;Or pods will carry seeds (if your plant has been pollinated) or fake pods containing THC (if you have removed the male plant).

When the flowers are ready to harvest, the flowers begin to darken and the pod pistil becomes swollen and sticks to the resin and THC trichome.Once most of the buds have darkened, you should be ready to harvest!

Harvest your plants.Plan it all out, because if all goes according to plan, you risk coming home with a bunch of smelly, sticky buds.If possible, it's better to do it at night (you know).Ideally, you can harvest when the buds are dark, swollen, and loaded with THC crystals.

However, field planting is not always ideal, so pay attention to weather forecasts.If you have extreme weather or worse, like a frost coming up, and your plants are already in bud but not yet fully ripe, it's worth harvesting.This needs to be done on a case-by-case basis, and there is no single guideline that covers all the results.

Harvest the buds with a clean, sharp knife.Often discarded fan leaves work, though some growers use them for cooking.

Dry your pot.Don't spoil it with impatience now!It can easily happen!The best smoke comes from buds that are slowly dried.Hang the buds separately in a cool, dark, well-ventilated place.Let them dry naturally in about 5 days.

Some growers use microwave ovens to dry plants, but this is bad for the quality and taste of the smoke.Don't do that.

Grow marijuana outdoors. Build a small fence around your area with barbed wire to keep rabbits and deer out.The smell of urine also keeps wildlife away, so you can use it to water the land every time you go.



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