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Hi, 117equinox here, always on the lookout for natural, & ancient strains.. always been a wish to be able to look through greenhouse / strainhunters vaults.. im specifically interested in trying to obtain landrace srtains, hopefully from expeditions, that you just dont have the time to do.. & more than that the ancient strains.. 100's - 1000's of years old. I've never been able to obtain them & hoping this is the right place to be in with a chance, thanks. :)

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Hello there 117Equinox,


I'm sorry that it took so long to reply to your introductory post.  As you probably have already heard by now, we lost our good friend and Mentor - Franco Loja this past Monday.  It's been quite difficult.


Many of us have been hoping that the various landrace seeds would eventually become available for general sale, but it seems that simply hasn't been the case.  It could be that StrainHunters growers may be cultivating them to increase the stock of landrace seeds before the sale, OR maybe the landrace seeds are being used in breeding projects in order to create the wonderful variety of Crosses and Hybrids for which GreenHouse is known.  However, all that is just speculation on my part;  the subject has certainly been discussed on our boards, and you are welcome to come on in and join in with the conversations.


I'm going to send you something in your Messages to help you get your settings and preferences set-up so that you will be up and running quickly.


Enjoy exploring the site, and we'll see you around in the threads.


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