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Why doesn't the page scroll up or down?


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Yes, bbadglass, we are aware of the problem.  Admin and many others who normally monitor and correct such things are very busy right now regarding Franco's passing away 02 Jan 2017, and some are simply away on vacation.  His passing was sudden and unexpected, and the technical breakdown occurred the next day after everyone had become shocked and dispersed to the winds.

There are a number of other problems as well.  I have alerted them, and they assure me they will begin correcting the problems when they return.

I trust that you can understand the stress at this time.  But don't give up. 

For me, I have lost chat functions and scroll bars when I use Chrome or Mozilla.  Both these features work fine when I use Internet Explorer.

With Mozilla, even without scroll bars, I can scroll using the arrow keys.  With Chrome, I have absolutely no scroll function whatsoever.

But these functions or failures seem to be different for every user.  Try switching to-and-fro different browsers.


I'm gonna send you a navigation aid in Messages that might help you with setting up your preferences (when you can find a way to scroll again).  Print it out and use it for a few days and let me know if it was helpful.

Also if you notice any more problems, you can report them in a pinned Topic called Bug Reviews.  Bug Reviews is found in FAQ and Rules category.

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I am also unable to scroll any of the pages on the site because the scroll bars are not being rendered, under IE, Firefox, Chrome or Opera running on Win 7 Professional, the arrow keys on my keyboard do not have any effect either.

I am not familiar with this framework simply because it is proprietary software (paid) not Open Source (free), but checking the source code I see this meta tag <meta itemprop="url" content=http://forums.strainhunters.com/ /> directly after the opening <body> tag which should not be located within the document body.

Although these tags and their contents are never rendered in the page/document, it should not break the site and cause the symptoms people are experiencing.


If like me you find you just cannot scroll the pages here is a simple technique you can employ to allow you to scroll up and down any page, by simply entering a JavaScript expression into your browers address bar and pressing the enter key on your keyboard to execute the expression.

So type the following into your browsers address bar then press the Enter key on your keyboard


javascript:self.scrollBy(0, 50);


Be aware if you copy and paste the code your browser will probably remove the keyword javascript and the colon following it and URL encode the numbers so 0 = 30% and 50 = 35% malforming and breaking the expression, so it is best to type it into the address bar.


scrollBy() is a method of the browsers window object, it takes 2 parameters, the first relates to the X axis (horizontal) and the second relates to the Y axis (vertical) of the page.


In the example code above the value of the first parameter is zero 0 because we do not want to side scroll the page, the value of the second parameter is 50 this will cause the window to scroll downwards by 50 pixels, you can change these values to whatever you prefer.


When executed this code will simply scroll the page downwards by fifity pixels, when you wish to scroll up the page place a hyphen or minus symbol before the parameter value to make it a negative value for example -50 and when you press the Enter key and execute the expression the page will scroll upwards by 50 pixels.


You can adjust the value for the second parameter to increase it to 100, 200, 300 or however many pixels to scroll quicker up or downwards.


This will work fine in browsers on desktops and laptops, but your mileage will vary under mobile browsers because in the main they are crap, when you have typed the code and you press the Enter key under IE you can keep tapping Enter and the page will scroll because the address bar retains focus, but under Firefox and Opera you will need to click in the address bar after pressing enter to give the address bar focus again.


Chrome is just absolute shyte not only does the address bar lose focus it refreshes the URL so you will have to type the expression each time, if you paste it into the address bar it will remove the keyword javascript and the colon as well. 



Likkle more 

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Gasmeter, this is excellent info that might be helpful to the administrators when they return to correct these problems.  Thank you for posting it.


I shall copy and paste the info you provided above into the Thread called "Bugs Reviews".  Bugs Reviews is located in the category called "FAQ and Rules".


Thank you.


By the way, I have also found a way to recover some scroll functions during messaging or editing, and that is:  when the scroll function fails, I then simply minimize the screen, perform my scroll in the smaller window and finish my transaction.  Then I return to full screen, and sometimes, the arrow scroll function returns to the full screen as well.  Komisch.

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Hey Cannabissapean your welcome man.


I have just edited my post to correct my typos I am a complete dickhead at times.


I forgot the reference to the window and used the wrong method in my haste, I should have used the method scrollBy() which scrolls the window by the values passed as a parameters or arguments, whereas scrollTo() actually scrolls the page to the values position for example javascript:self.scrollTo(0, 50);  will scroll the page to 50 pixels from the top of the page, 100 would be 100 pixles from the top of the page, not scrolling by 100 pixels.



Likkle more



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Hi everyone, losing Franco has been hard! I still can't accept it.
scrolling is back. sorry guys I'm still not really in the mood but I've got the guys to fix the chat and the scrolling. they were fixing colors and fucked something else up.



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