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The History of True Red Pistils?


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I have heard Arjan in a video mention the rarity of red pistils. What is the history, terpene profile, effects, lore, and stories behind the Cannabis with red pistils? I have seen many plants with pink/dark pink advertised as red and even one image on Instagram with a very photoshop-looking red pistils. Is Thai and the screaming sativa associated with red pistils? Is this Colombian and Punta Roja strain naturalized to this area after being imported from Thai the real history? Does anyone have examples of their own red-pistil strains? Why is the red pistil pheno such a fabled item?

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  • 3 years later...

Red pistils change nothing in the taste or the effect the plant gives you. It was stereotypically considered to provide the best high, but scientists proved it is false. The crystals, placed almost everywhere in a plant, contain THC, making you high. So it means plants with pink, brown, or other pistols give the same feeling as those with red pistils. I've been ordering some CBD containing products from a reliable vendor, and I am also thinking of trying thc. And I'm not going to look for red pistols for sure. That's just a money waste for something completely the same.

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