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24 minutes ago, OG.Naj said:

they look good bro & beautiful video!

Thank you, brother, I didn't remember that I can also show you videos on YouTube until you mentioned this morning, maybe soon you will see the doctors in another way ✌️

 Greetings friend @ OG.Naj


Gracias hermano no me acordaba de que también puedo mostraros videos por YouTube hasta que hiciste mención esta mañana, quizás pronto veréis las doctoras de otra forma ✌️ 

Saludos amigo @OG.Naj

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18 minutes ago, Guovsahas said:

@R.G.SJust to give you a idea of how close my plants are to a highway I took a picture of the highway that runs right next to my plants, the trees growing along the side of the road are cover and the reeds also protect the plants from being spotted but my plants are 60 meters away from a highway


Thank you for orienting me as a best friend @Guovsahas for a good guerrilla culture, this year I will not try, but next time we will see if I risk a seedling ... ✌️ 


Gracias por orientarme mejor amigo @Guovsahas para un buen cultivo de guerrilla, este año no lo intentaré, pero el próximo veremos si arriesgo alguna plantita... ✌️ 


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Después de darle vueltas a cómo posicionar las plantas en interior e decidido y la cosa queda de tal forma un saco con una W.L pasara a la terraza 


After turning to how to position the plants indoors and decided and the thing is in such a way a sack with a W.L will go to the terrace












Y las otras 4 W. L dos sacos pasan a estar semi ladeados y mantengo las primeras dos en el portal del armario 


And the other 4 W. L two bags become semi-cocked and I keep the first two in the closet portal








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Un amigo de Jaén en el sur de España me manda dos fotos de un olivo que a tenido que extraer debido a las lluvias se abrió sin mas, le dije que aún puede salvar una parte como la marihuana no creo que tenga problemas con torcer el tronco principal.... 


Dejo las fotos 


A friend of Jaén in the south of Spain sends me two photos of an olive tree that he had to extract due to the rains opened without further ado, I told him that he can still save a part like marijuana I don't think he has problems with twisting the trunk  principal....

 I leave the photos





La de la izquierda yo creo que podía seguir viviendo que opinan amigos? 


The one on the left, I think I could continue living who think friends?




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54 minutes ago, OG.Naj said:

It is very difficult to say from here... Without see the roots system and clearly see the damage...

In the end my friend decided to take it all out to make sure the land was cleared, although he told me that perhaps the one on the left could be saved because he kept one foot or support, many liters of water have fallen in a row and the olive load did the rest


Al final mi amigo decidio sacarlo todo para asegurarse de sanear el terreno, aunque me dijo que quizas el de la izquierda podia salvarse debido a que conservaba un pie o apoyo, han caido muchos litros de agua seguidos y la carga de la aceituna hizo el resto

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Buenas tardes amig@s y compañer@s de cultivo las W. L de interior ya van cogiendo la forma que deseo, y la de la terraza se siente agusto en su nuevo lugar


Good afternoon, friends and cultivation partners, the W. W. of the interior are already taking the form I want, and that of the terrace feels comfortable in its new place







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4 minutes ago, g22 said:


I worked 7 year in the wood and a littel in garden too .

cutting tree if he have damage To is bark thats not goed if the bark is not  damaged and the root are always in soil is no problem i think 

It's too late to save anything that olive tree is removed from the site, because I don't have time to get close to its land, it lives 700 km from here ... But I would give it a W. L to finish in that same place 💪 😉


Ya es tarde para salvar nada ese olivo esta eliminado del sitio, por que no tengo tiempo para acercarme a su tierra, vive a 700 km de aqui... Sino le daria una W. L para finalizar en ese mismo sitio 💪 😉 

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Hola amig@s y compañer@s de cultivo les traigo algunas fotos de la White lemon que tengo en la terraza 


Hello friends and cultivation partners I bring you some photos of the White lemon that I have on the terrace















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59 minutes ago, OG.Naj said:

Look good bro, do you will top or training your plants or just let them grow naturally?

Thank you friend @ OG.Naj the one on the terrace do not touch her hehehehe do not suffer ... I will let her grow whatever she wants ...


Gracias amigo @OG.Naj la que esta en la terraza no la tocare jejejeje no sufras... dejare que crezca a sus anchas lo que quiera... 




And as for the interior, those in the sack will follow the side training except for the two of the door that would be ready before, I am calculating the idea of adding a frontal spotlight from the ground to cover 100% of lumens throughout the crop


Y en cuanto al interior las del saco seguirán el entreno lateral excepto las dos de la puerta que estaran antes listas, estoy calculando la idea de añadir un foco frontal desde el suelo para abarcar el 100% de lúmenes en todo el cultivo 








Feliz dia hermano 

Happy day brother

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Hola amig@s y compañer@s de cultivo tengo un problema con las W. L que puse en saco estan haciendo el comienzo de cogollo con una forma rara que hace sospechar hemafroditismo por estres... Adjunto fotos y vamos viendo su evolución 


Hello friends and cultivation partners, I have a problem with the W. L that I put in the sack, they are making the beginning of the bud with a rare form that makes suspect hemaphroditism due to stress ... I enclose photos and we see their evolution








La de la terraza también muestra el mismo sintoma


The one on the terrace also shows the same symptom








Y las de maceta normal de plastico van muy muy altas pero 💪 😉 


And the normal plastic pot go very high but 💪 😉






Saludos y feliz dia ✌️ 

Regards and happy day ✌️ 

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Lo siento por @OG.Naj pero la de la terraza no veremos como sigue...


Sorry for @ OG.Naj but the one on the terrace will not see as follows ...




En este caso creo que a sido causa de un estres radicular por que la tierra seguia muy humeda quizas al no tener buen drenaje ayudo a que se defendiera de ese modo sacando principios de hermafrodita, 

Las de interior aun no lo dejan tan claro



In this case I think that because of the root stress because the land was still very humid, perhaps because it did not have good drainage, it helped to defend itself by removing hermaphrodite principles,

 The indoor ones still don't make it so clear


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Hoy estoy dandole los últimos retoques a un armario nuevo que me e comprado para estar mas agusto con el espacio de las plantas y pasaron el dia en la terraza espero que no se le pegue ningun bichito... 


Today I am giving the last touches to a new closet that I bought to be more comfortable with the space of the plants and spent the day on the terrace I hope that no little bug sticks ...













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Ya estan las plantas en el interior las que estan en saco tienen faena ahora otra vez para enderezarse


There are already the plants inside those that are in the bag are now working again to straighten




Pero seguro que lo consiguen 🤞 


But they sure get it 🤞

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Hola amig@s y compañer@s de cultivo hoy traigo alguna foto de las W. L en interior.....


Hello friends and cultivation partners today I bring some photo of the W. L inside .....










Saludos 😉 👍 

Regards 😉 👍 


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