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52 minutes ago, OG.Naj said:

I think you are good.

Iam sure that you can find many more info and video on the net about that tech 💯👊


You if you are a good teacher that I would have if I had not known you perhaps I would continue to plant in a can 😅🤣😂 eternally grateful for your wisdom and advice brother you are very great


Tu si que eres bueno maestro que haría yo sino te hubiera conocido quizás seguiría plantando en lata 😅🤣😂 eternamente agradecido de tu sabiduría y consejos hermano eres muy grande

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He he, yes I remember the time where you use the can tech 😁😂😉 I can see clearly the evolution you make from that time brother, is always a pleasure to see your work 💯👏🙌 

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Buenas noches amig@s aquí les dejo la extracción que hice hoy con la técnica que me comento @OG.Najde la botella


Good evening friends, here is the extraction that I did today with the technique that I comment @OG.Naj the bottle









Good weekend friends 

💚 ✌️ 😎 👍 ☀ 

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34 minutes ago, OG.Naj said:

Beautiful brother 👌👊


What do you think if you need to compare the bottle tech with the press tech you use before?

With this test I think it was enough to see that more results will come out for the next few times I make rosin. Please, friend, I will use this technique from the bottle.


Con esta prueba creo que fue suficiente para ver que saldrá más resultado para las próximas veces que haga rosin ten por cuenta amigo que usaré esta técnica de la botella 

Gracias @OG.Naj

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Si amigo va muy bien pero espero que las lluvias no me destrocen la cosecha ... 

Calculo que le falta aun por lo menos de tres a cuatro semanas pero quizas tenga que cortarla antes ... No lo sé seguro ... 



Yes my friend is doing very well but I hope the rains do not destroy my harvest ...

 I estimate that it still has at least three to four weeks left but maybe I have to cut it before ... I don't know for sure ...


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Realmente espero que el clima se mantenga lo más seco posible para que pueda cosechar cuando esté lista en lugar de tener que cosechar debido al clima para reducir sus pérdidas. :good:

I really hope the weather stays as dry as possible so you can harvest when she is ready rather than having to harvest because of the weather to cut your loses. :good:

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7 hours ago, gasmeter said:

Realmente espero que el clima se mantenga lo más seco posible para que pueda cosechar cuando esté lista en lugar de tener que cosechar debido al clima para reducir sus pérdidas. :good:

I really hope the weather stays as dry as possible so you can harvest when she is ready rather than having to harvest because of the weather to cut your loses. :good:

Lamento decir que no aguanto la tormenta fueron muchos litros encima y se partió la gran mayoría... Que le voy hacer otra vez será, maldito 2020


I'm sorry to say that I can't stand the storm, there were many liters on top and the vast majority broke ... What am I going to do again, damn 2020


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19 hours ago, torken said:

Lamento decir que no aguanto la tormenta fueron muchos litros encima y se partió la gran mayoría... Que le voy hacer otra vez será, maldito 2020


I'm sorry to say that I can't stand the storm, there were many liters on top and the vast majority broke ... What am I going to do again, damn 2020


sorry bro i definitely feel your pain ,i have been there brother .and still hoping to get my joanne's producing before the bad weather kicks inn !! :heat:

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5 hours ago, jsm said:

sorry bro i definitely feel your pain ,i have been there brother .and still hoping to get my joanne's producing before the bad weather kicks inn !! :heat:

Un desastre fatal que quizás ni con un  cobertizo se salvarían pero para otro año seguro que las voy a poner lateralmente 


De errores se aprenden bro ✌️ 😉 


A fatal disaster that perhaps not even a shed would save them but for another year I'm sure I'm going to put them laterally

 You learn from mistakes bro ✌️ 😉

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2 hours ago, gasmeter said:

@torken lamento escuchar las malas noticias hermano, ¿has podido salvar algo y, de ser así, sería posible hacer hachís con eso?


@torken sorry to hear the bad news bro, have you been able to salvage anything and if so would it be possible to make hash with it?

Dont worry friends 😉👍


Si algo tenía hecho pero es un porcentaje tan ridículo en comparación con lo que tenía que hacer al final.... Una pena pero algun mes me dara para fumar directamente hash no voy hacer por que el material es de exodus y se puede fumar perfectamente aunque no tengo para tanto como pensaba... 


If I had something done but it is such a ridiculous percentage compared to what I had to do at the end ... A shame but some month it will give me to smoke hash directly I will not do it because the material is from exodus and it can be smoked perfectly  although I do not have for as much as I thought ...


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17 hours ago, torken said:

Por cierto@jsm joanne es productor del país Vasco verdad? Aún allí no llegó la tormenta :taunt::pleasantry:esta a tiempo aun:assassin:


By the way @jsm joanne is a producer from the Basque country, right?  Even there the storm did not come :taunt::pleasantry:It's still on time:assassin:

i ment joanne's cbd by royal queen ,see my topic at outdoor grow journal :taunt:

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