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Becomes The Church purple at the flowering period?


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Hey guys,

I had some Church some years ago and I wondered that it turned purple at the flowering. Almost black.

All the pictures I saw weren't purple, how did this happen? It was a reeeaally nice smoke anyway, but what was it? Was it Church or something else?

I grew it outdoor, by the way.



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Hi man, well purple color can be caused by low temperatures during the night. some plants like the bubba kush, i believe but not sure, has a black phenotype, really black! i had seen that on icmag i think.

Perhaps Church has one too, but all the ones i've seen weren't particularly purpleorblack.

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I will be happy to answere your question soon! I have 10 seedlings running, and i am planning to have 3-4 mothers of them. ( posibly 2 of the NL pheno) The rest will be flowered indoors, the clones from the mothers are going out... I am almost sure it was not the pheno, rather the cold. I usually harvest outdoors around the 5th of oct., and by that time most strains get a purpleish colour due to cold nights. ( 1 thing i can't tell, is the temperature causing this. I think they may start changing colour under 14-15 C! )


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The Church turns purple with cold nights, but what really makes it turn purple-black is not just low night temps, but the difference between highest day temp and lowest night temp.

If you get a really hot day and after that a really cold night, that's when the pigment production (in this case Anthocyanin) goes wild.... ;-)

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I'm having the same thing with one of my rhino but in indoor, plus what weird is that she's the only one turning like that out of 4 rhino...

I'm not to concerned for now anyway, i'll see how things evolved.

Peace out!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Temperature Influence

The combination of warm sunny days followed by cold, above-freezing night temperatures encourages brightly coloured. The heat of the sun encourages natural sugar production in the leaves, and when the sugar cannot escape as the leaf veins constrict during chilling, it creates anthocyanin pigments that result in brilliant shades of red and purple.

copied and pasted from E-know how


Anthocyanin pigments are responsible for the pink, red, and purple leaves in the leaves of plants. They are formed in sap inside the vacuole, a storage compartment within plant cells, when sugars accumulate and combine with complex compounds called anthocyanidins.

Anthocyanidins are a subclass of flavanoids, a group of antioxidant compounds found in plants including fruits and vegetables.

The variety of pink to purple colors in leaves is due to many, slightly different compounds that can be formed. Their color is also influenced by cell pH. These pigments usually are red in tree species with acidic sap, and are purplish to blue in alkaline cell solution.

Anthocyanins are not commonly present in leaves until they are produced during autumn coloration.

With the formation of the abscission layer and with higher viscosity of cell sap under cold conditions, the phloem tissues of a plants vascular system, the pathway for conduction of sugars out of leaves, become less efficient and are eventually severed where the leaf petiole joins the tree branch.

However, the nonliving xylem vessels that transport water and nutrients from the roots upward, remain intact. This allows them to continue to carry water to the senescing leaves while sugars derived from continued photosynthesis and the conversion of stored starch to soluble sugars are trapped by the impaired phloem of the abscission layer and are available for anthocyanin production.

Plants of the same species growing together often differ in color slightly because of differences in amounts of soluble sugars in the leaves for anthocyanin production. These differences are caused by genetic and environmental factors.

Leaves exposed to the sun, such as those on the outside of the plant, may continue photosynthesis and turn red while others in the shade may be yellow.

Fall weather conditions favoring formation of purple leaf colour are warm sunny days followed by cool, but not freezing, nights.

Rainy or cloudy days with their reduced sunlight near the time of peak coloration decrease the intensity of colors by limiting photosynthesis and the sugars available for anthocyanin production.

Kevin Gould of the University of Auckland in New Zealand is at the forefront of research on leaf anthocyanins. Senescing leaves seem to need special protection against bright light exposure because the metabolic pathways for the initial capture of energy don’t lose their efficiency as rapidly as the subsequent processes for processing that energy do. Bright light that reaches senescing leaves overloads light-gathering chlorophyll and slows it down (photoinhibition).

Anthocyanins can offload some of that excess energy, decreasing photoinhibition, sustaining photosynthesis rates necessary to provide energy for nutrient resorption and other critical processes during senescence.

Anthocyanidins, formed from anthocyanins, are flavanoids: antioxidants that are beneficial to human health and possibly able to help prevent such diseases as cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, and cardiovascular disease. While reading an article on the human health benefits of consuming anthocyanin-rich blueberries, Gould decided to investigate the possibility that the antioxidizing powers of the leaf anthocyanins he was investigating also benefited their source plants.

In test tube experiments he found anthocyanins purified from tree leaves were four times more effective at soaking up damaging free radicals than vitamins C and E. He and his colleagues devised a method to induce and observe an oxidative burst of hydrogen peroxide by using a needle to pierce the upper layers of a New Zealand shrub that produced red pimples when pierced by aphids. Gould and his coworkers were able to observe bursts of the powerful oxidant hydrogen peroxide one minute after stabbing leaves with a needle. In red leaf tissues the burst faded quickly, while in green tissues the hydrogen peroxide concentrations soared for at least ten minutes. These results suggest that anthocyanins function as protective antioxidants in plant leaves.

Anthocyanins may protect physiological processes in leaves from cold temperatures. Gould notes that a birch species he encountered in Finland held on to its red leaves year round, despite temperatures that plunged to -40 degrees C. William Hoch of the University of Wisconsin-Madison ranked the intensity of red coloration in autumn of species in nine genera of woody plants either from a cold zone in Canada and the northern U.S. or from a milder maritime climate in Europe. The species that produced the most intense red coloration came exclusively from the North American cold zone.

Linda Chalker-Scott of the University of Washington proposes that anthocyanins help leaves retain water. Anthocyanins dissolve in water, whereas chlorophyll and many other cell pigments do not. Water loaded with any dissolved substance has lower osmotic potential: a decreased tendency for water to flow away. Many plants produce soluble anthocyanins that may help leaves retain water when subjected to osmotic stresses from drought, salt buildup on leaf surfaces, and heat.

Loading water with solutes also lowers its freezing point, possibly affording added frost protection to senescing leaves.

The evolutionary theorist W.D. Hamilton and Samuel P. Brown of the University of Montpelier speculated in a recent paper that the healthiest trees might put on the flashiest fall displays of (anthocyanin) red leaves.

They further speculated that this leaf signal might give fall-feeding insects, such as aphids, a warning to avoid trees that are healthy and have the best defenses. This is an intriguing possibility for yet another role of anthocyanin in tree protection.

Leaf pigments behind the flashy autumn display of color in temperate hardwood forests are much more than cellular trash. Recognizing tree colors not only for their beauty, but also for the complex and vital roles the underlying pigments play in forest function and survival, might just bring new awe and appreciation to the autumnal rite of leaf peeping.

copied and pasted and edited from - http://web.extension...all_colors.html

I found this very interesting, i hope you do too.

Peace Lams

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