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How about going back PETITON BY ALEXBIOLOGO


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The new strain hunters is horrible, the chat sucks, the page sucks and its very disorganized. Why change something that was working great? The older page was simple and efficient and from my point of view there was a lot more activity from everyone.

This is a petition from alexbiologo to go back to the old page (if its possible).

Please sign the petition if you feel the same way and maybe admin. will consider our petition.

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My two cents.

When i first saw the new forums, i did think wtf.

It took me a while to get my head round it but now after trying things out and having used it on a daily basis, I really lke it.

There are lots of new features and the way that the different functions work and are set out, really speads things up for me.

Old forums was more simplistic and i must admit, I did like that about it, though it did have it's short comings.

I don't think anyone would disagree that old chat was a much more pleasant expirience.

The good news is.....

To quote admin - "Good news, we're almost done integrating bowob back into this forum. Begin march it should be online!!"

To quote Admin -"Well bowob is better chat experience since somehow they managed to script it better than any other chat. Yes it's 3rd party hosted privately in Spain. The chat is encrypted and hosted on third party, the advantage of that is that if they are tracking strain hunters outgoing connections, they wouldn't see chat data since the connections are on a separate site. Has its advantages and disadvantages... "

So it looks like chat will be back to it's original format, happy days.

No more bloody chickens :P



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I vastly prefer the new forum. I'm sorry it really is much better once you start poking around and customizing.

you can make it act similar to the old forum ;) its all in the settings.

as for Forum activity, January was a rough month for the site.. I'll just leave it at that.

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Yeah agree with everyone, only thing that "sucks" is the chat if i can say, and it doesn't really sucks, it's just..different ^^

Really love the new forum, much better, and a LOT faster ;)

Lol Alex, good try but i really think your dreaming awake about a backup after the time all teams at GH HQ gave on this one ^^

And I don't know if you noticed, but compare to all other GH site, our Forum was really looking old school, So ok it was nice and we were used to it, but SH is a part of GH seeds company, there is a general design to follow for me when you have a brand, and that all your site are related, so i think this Forums incorporate Much better in the GH concept of the other sites than the old one ^^

So i suggest you just take time to discover the new one and love it ;) You haven't it been around much since the new Forum, give him a try ;)

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Yeah well compare ICmag to GH seeds it doesn't correspond,you must know what marketing is i'm sure, you can't have each site you have look different, you have to have a kind of untiy in your own company for me it's the way i see it.

but agree for button and i talked to admin about it

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U don't get what i wroted, i'am used to that. I'am quite sure they don't dissapear, and reason why they dont u wroted. Businnes, marketing. Don't get me wrong, before was a bit safer place to be then now. Just count on fingers of one hand where u can grow legal...

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no need to be negative Bro, Elektro's got that covered ;)

Maybe we can help you sort out the option to your liking...

this is the loose order i process this site.

I click the Forum button, takes me to the main forum page.

this is where I've made most of my changes.

Since i don't write or understand Spanish text i've sorta excluded those from my view

I made the top right corner, the spot for new recent posts (i think the blog thing was there in the first place)

then i have it set so the statuss' are right underneath.

I find alot of the multi page surfing is not need anymore due to the notification code.

if you find a thread that you find particularly interesting but don't feel like posting

click the follow topic button, that should make whatever new posts are made on that topic

to show up in your notifications.

so what are you actually having issue with?

I'm will to try an help :D your a valued member and i'd hate to see you stop posting because of a forum change

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nice flail lol it's funny to see how we all use diferently, personaly I go in "View new content" Top right of the pages. Choose "show content i haven't read" and do all my surfing from here ^^

But like you said i like the fact that you can also click like, if you don't feel like writing a post, makes it easier, the following content is nice too i agree.

Don't worry Alex you're not alone ;)

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im with alex on this issue if your not very good on computers like alex and myself then is a bit of a struggle working new stuff out the old site was simple to use and easy to upload even for some one with no computer skills what so ever

this new site would be better if it was moor simple to use i know there is not many people out there that are like us but we want to share our experiences with every body as well

it has taken me about 3 months just to get to the stage where i can upload pictures

now ive just got to learn how to make a nice presentable grow report. Ive got 3 different rooms going at the moment but it takes so long for me to work this site i dont bother with them any moor i just use the chat now

i used to really enjoy making grow reports on the last site but its just too hard on here

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