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blueberry plant!! day 16(veg)


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cool man, i see she is a little less pale than before so she must be getting better ;)

So now you're on Biogrow and Biobloom too or only bloom? if you put only bloom don't hesitate to put too 1 OR 2 ml/L of Biogrow to complete the bloom. ;)

Good luck man 1,5L is ok, don't overwater her ;)

Have a good grow

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Feed her some GUANO tea or worm castings etc. She needs some heavy fertilizers for a rush.. you can flush it out later anyway.. In weeks 6 you should add molasses or Ripen, Green Sensation or B'Cuzz to get denser buds..they could be fatter by now.

Other than that it is a good plant, nothing wrong genetics or otherwise..just a little under fertilized if you want the best yield invest in some Guano-a Kilo is just 12 Euro or so and that works wonders. Add it to the soil, brew a tea twice a week with 20 gram on 2 litres...

It smells bad and might leave stains on the leaves when foliar feeding, my favorite method in VEG.. They pick up a punch you won't believe it.

Best fertilizer there is since thousands of years and adds a nice taste to the fruits and herbs for whatever reason.

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thank you guys!! dust im doing that! (i put biogrow and bloom to her food) for 2 weeks now :)

bam-bhole thanks.I think am going to mix molasses. a friend told me its good.

The guano tea, is it a tea which we drink?where can i find?


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very nice man she has a pretty good structure, i like to see this kind of growth ^^

smelling like the end is getting closer ;)

When will you start flushing her?

Have a good grow

Edit: i just reread and saw 5 weeks of flo so no flushing yet ^^ You should take away those big leaves that are entirely yellow they will not come back anyway ;)

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