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Test Grow Of The Month Contest - October


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Here's a new Contest just for the Official Testers

The Award will be given to the best Video, Picture Slideshow or Harvest, of the month between the testers.

Rules :

1. Entry must be original photos/videos of your own.

2. Your entry can ONLY include photos/videost, you can though add a object as a reference point for size or a closeup A.K.A macro shot.

3. You can have a maximum of 2 photos/videos. 2 photos of plants, 1 photo of the harvest or video. Also you CAN NOT.... add, change or delete your photos/videos once you have added your photos to the contest.

4. Make sure you upload your photos to the stain hunters server. And videos to growhd.tv or youtube.com

5. Self-nominations only !!!!!

6. No voting for yourself ... if you vote for yourself your entry and vote will be removed.

7. The Grow method must be included, ex : sog , scrog , free grow, etc..

8. you have post a comment with your vote so it counts!

9. Have Fun an Enjoy!

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