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Toke Pure


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The government and anti cannabis campaigners in general are usually only too eager to warn about health risks of using cannabis, although the claims they make often prove to be exaggerated or more often than not simply wrong, but for some reason they never warn consumers about a very real danger, a danger caused by mixing cannabis with a drug which is a known to be highly addictive and a carcinogen.


We’re talking about tobacco of course. To be fair, it’s not only the government that doesn’t want to talk about the way cannabis is usually smoked, most stoners don’t want to either. In the UK, most cannabis users roll joints – cannabis mixed with tobacco.

The dangers of tobacco are well known, its physically and psychologically highly addictive and its carcinogenic – which means it causes cancer.

Tobacco isn’t included in the Misuse of Drugs Act (the law that prohibits cannabis) simply because the government decided not to include it. This was an arbitrary decision made by politicians which makes no sense whatsoever – and indeed the Act makes no provision for a drug like tobacco to be excluded in this way – but is probably at the heart of the reason why the situation has continued for so long.

Perhaps as a result of this decision a lot of people don’t really think of tobacco is a drug even now, but it is one and in fact it’s one of the most dangerous drugs there is. In terms of the harm it can do tobacco is up there with heroin and crack cocaine. So the aim of this CLEAR campaign is to make cannabis users aware of this danger – a danger which is easy to avoid.

The aim of Tokepure is to encourage anyone who wants to use cannabis to toke pure and to keep well away from tobacco.

The age of the tobacco joint is over, help make it happen.

What’s the problem?

In some respects, tobacco is not unlike cannabis. Both are plants and hence totally natural herbs and both are smoked. When the plant material is burned chemicals which affect the brain – which we call drugs – boil off and get sucked into the lungs where they enter the bloodstream and make their way to your brain. Along with the drugs of course comes lots of other smoke which you don’t really want. Anyway, this is where the similarity ends. Both plants contain very different drugs which do very different things.

As the government is normally eager to tell us tobacco is a killer. In fact Tobacco is responsible for 140,000 deaths each year in the UK alone and 5.4 million deaths worldwide according the World Health Organisation. Clearly, whatever the dangers of smoking cannabis might be, adding tobacco to the mix is only going to make things much, much worse.

Our big claim for cannabis is that it has never directly killed anyone and as far as we know, that is true.

But doesn’t cannabis cause cancer anyway?

Cannabis smoke does include carcinogens – compounds which cause cancer – as lab experiments have shown. Because of these lab studies prohibition campaigners have claimed that smoking cannabis is something like four times more dangerous than tobacco, but as with so many of the claims these people make they don’t stand up to proper study and in fact the truth seems to be the exact opposite.

A big study in the US (

read it here) found “that the association of these (lung) cancers with marijuana, even long-term or heavy use, is not strong and may be below practically detectable limits” and another study (read it here) found that “Smoking only marijuana was not associated with an increased risk of respiratory symptoms or COPD.” COPD is “chronic obstructive Pulmonary disease” – it’s not nice and is strongly connected with tobacco smoking. Another study demonstrated that cannabis and tobacco are not equally carcinogenic, with tobacco being far more dangerous than cannabis (read it here). Although cannabis smoke contains cancer causing chemicals, studies have found that one of the main ingredients of cannabis, THC, has anti cancer properties (Read it here).

So the truth seems to be that not only is cannabis smoked alone in fact far safer than tobacco in terms of what it does to your lungs but that that smoking the two together may be the worst of both worlds. This is serious stuff.

Now lets be honest here, we are not saying smoking cannabis is harmless. Breathing in any smoke is bad for you and the less you breath in the better; but mixing cannabis and tobacco is adding a level of harm cannabis by itself doesn’t seem to have, or at the very least is making any such risk massively greater. Lung cancer is a nasty illness that kills by a slow painful death, it really is something to be avoided.

Cannabis taken with a vaporiser carries none of the risks of smoking whatsoever.

But as if that isn’t enough, there’s more.

Tobacco is a more addictive drug than heroin, it really is very addictive. Breaking a tobacco habit can be a very agonizing and difficult experience which many people can never manage to do, even when they know the smoking is killing them.

Both cannabis and tobacco are psychologically addictive, which means you associate using them with doing things you enjoy and this can be hard to break, but in addition tobacco is strongly physically addictive. ‘Physically addictive’ means your brain needs a constant feed of the drug just to function normally and so for you to feel normal. There is much debate as to whether Cannabis is physically addictive at all, it may be for long term very heavy tokers, but certainly for the vast majority of consumers it isn’t.

Quitting a tobacco addiction involves real “cold turkey” just like heroin withdrawal (although it’s different of course) plus the problems of breaking the psychological addiction.

Some people think tobacco isn’t a drug because it doesn’t make you stoned or anything like that. Cannabis works on the bit of the brain you’re aware of, so when you get stoned you feel intoxicated. Tobacco works on a part of the brain that controls emotions, it makes you feel good about having taken it, which is why smoking tobacco is so enjoyable. It’s a real mugs drug.

Why do people smoke cannabis with tobacco?

tokepure1-300x71.pngA simple question which has, of course, a complicated answer. The cannabis tobacco connection is historical; tobacco of course is nothing new to us; not so long ago most people smoked and tobacco use was glamorized by Hollywood. Smoking was considered an important part of socialising and it was normal to offer cigs around. It was into this tobacco using culture that cannabis use took off. Added to this we used to get mostly hash from Morocco or Lebanon and smoking pure hash requires a pipe so the easiest way was to roll a tobacco joint, especially if you smoked anyway and so already had the tobacco and papers.

These days herbal cannabis is far more normal and less people smoke fags, but the joint tradition seems to have stuck. All this wasn’t helped by stoners who took joint rolling to the level of an art, crafting a fine joint was something people took a great pride in; “Camberwell Carrots”, “cones”, all sorts of shapes and styles and it all became a part of the ritual of getting stoned.

Add to this the honest fact that although very harmful a tobacco joint is a very, very enjoyable thing to smoke. We might as well be honest because tobacco is a great mixer drug – it goes well with almost all drug use. A tobacco joint not only gets you stoned, but it also gives you one hell of a nicotine hit at the same time and as the nicotine drug effect is to make you feel good about having smoked it joints are very enjoyable.

Because of all this cannabis users came to associate the tobacco hit with the cannabis experience. This is true for most of northern Europe, but isn’t true for everywhere and in many countries cannabis users would never consider mixing the two drugs.

Some users become tobacco addicts very quickly, although others take a lot longer but most people get there eventually and many people who started off smoking to try cannabis end up with a long term tobacco smoking habit.

Tobacco filled joint smokers are experiencing the effect of the two drugs in combination and taking two drugs together isn’t the same as taking them separately at different times. So people who are introduced to tobacco through smoking joints find that just smoking tobacco on its own doesn’t give the same experience, so they feel they need a joint not realising that it is the tobacco addiction kicking in.

Many users of cannabis in tobacco joints start to smoke at regular intervals in order to keep up their nicotine levels to satisfy the tobacco craving and end up smoking a lot of cannabis as a result. For the minority of people who do suffer some negative effects from using cannabis, this is clearly a bad thing, for others it may mean they just get stoned all day.

Using cannabis with tobacco is likely to increase the amount of cannabis you use and to make your cannabis use far more habitual than it would be if you toke pure.

So why haven’t things changed?

Things should have changed by now for sure, but they haven’t. Over the past 20 or so years, there’s been a lot of health education and anti smoking measures aimed at tobacco users and as a result far fewer people now smoke tobacco than previously. Not only that but tobacco smoking isn’t the socially accepted thing it once was, you can’t smoke in buildings any more, at work or anywhere really. But none of these restrictions on tobacco use has affected the way people – especially young people – use cannabis.

Finally and most importantly of course, this whole issue has been ignored by the government and even by most drugs advice agencies. There hasn’t been anything like a “toke pure” campaign from Talk to Frank, if anything the government has been happy to talk of cannabis use and tobacco use as the same thing. Its as if they want to encourage this connection and for sure, the law doesn’t help:

• Cannabis is prohibited and tobacco has simply joined cannabis in the “underground” culture as it gets ever more excluded from the mainstream.

• Safer ways of smoking cannabis such as pipes, water pipes or the very safe (but almost unknown in this country) ‘Vaporiser’ can become incriminating evidence for the authorities, whereas a joint is easy to hide.

• New cannabis smokers are introduced by friends who roll tobacco joints which spreads the tobacco addiction.

• Myths have grown up, not least of all that it would be more expensive to smoke cannabis without “diluting” it with tobacco. This is actually totally untrue and cannabis users who smoke pure cannabis often use much less than joint smokers, plus they don’t have to buy the tobacco.

DIY Harm Reduction: what cannabis users can do for themselves.

Apart from anything its a waste of cannabis if you are smoking joints to simply satisfy your tobacco addiction.


A credit card pipe - showing the long smoke path, which allows the smoke to cool

The first thing to understand is that smoking with tobacco isn’t saving you money, it isn’t diluting the cannabis and isn’t making your stash go further, in fact its costing you a lot more and making you use much more cannabis than you need to.

Whether or not cannabis smoking is bad for you, we know for sure that tobacco smoking is. Tobacco joints don’t have filters and so they are far worse than cigarettes.

TokePure is a campaign to kick out tobacco.

Make a note of how much money you’re spending on tobacco and think what you could buy with it, you’ll be amazed at how much it is.


If you don’t believe you’re addicted to the tobacco, just go without it for a few days if you can, chances are you’ll feel the addictive craving tobacco causes. If you’ve not been smoking for very long it’s not too hard to stop but If you’ve been a tobacco head for a few years it’s not going to be easy. Bite the bullet and quit the evil weed though, you’ll love yourself for it after, promise!

Cannabis used without tobacco is a very different experience in some respects, but it is the cannabis experience, it’s the real thing.

What do we want the government do?

CLEAR is calling for the government to tell the truth and to enable people to use cannabis as safely as possible:

As a minimum Tokepure calls for

A Safer use campaign: The government should be advising the millions of cannabis users how to use cannabis as safely as possible through a safer toking campaign.

A Pipesafe policy: The carrying of pipes and other safer ways of consuming cannabis (what they call “paraphernalia”) should no longer count as evidence of illegal drug use and headshops should be encouraged to sell safer smoking equipment.

This is an issue that affects millions of mostly young people after all. This sort of thing is called “Harm reduction” and is deeply opposed by those idiots who support the war on drugs, the reason for that is hard for normal people to understand, but basically prohibition depends on drugs being made as dangerous as possible. Yes, it is stupid but that’s the UK drugs policy.

The most obvious action the government should do is to regulate and control the cannabis supply based on facts and evidence, then not only will the cannabis itself be of better quality but users can be encouraged to use it in safer ways – in food or drink for example where knowing the dose and purity of the supply is most important. This is just one reason why cannabis law reform is needed and why CLEAR exists.

Tobacco free coffeeshops? One of the big arguments in favour of “coffee shops” – cannabis cafes – is that they separate the cannabis market from that of dangerous drugs. Way back before the smoking ban some campaigners wanted to see cannabis cafes which were tobacco free, where cannabis could be bought and used on the premises without tobacco. Providing a tobacco free place where people could get stoned would be the best way to break this tobacco connection.


A note about herbal smoking mixtures: If you really want to roll joints there are various alternatives to tobacco available, such as “Honey Dew”. These non-tobacco herbs burn reasonably well and don’t have the nicotine addiction of tobacco. But they are likely to have many of the other health risks caused by breathing in large amounts of smoke and don’t give the nicotine hit, but they are a better option than tobacco.

copied and pasted from - http://clear-uk.org/tokepure/


Lams (pure weed smoker) ;)

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very interesting article man, my cousin use to pu Damiana in his joints instead of tobacco, but not musch studies have been done on that plant i believe :(

Intertesting read thanks for sharing, i'm still not really a pure toker, sometimes yes, but most of time i enjoy it with tobacco, a bad habit that came with Hash smoking ;)

Anyway Cheers thanks for sharing

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Thanks dust :)

Tobacco and me, here's the thing, I smoked tobacco for over 20 years, There was a point about ten years ago where I decided I didn't want to keep giving the goverment taxes for a product that had no high, was highly addictive and a waste of money that i could either spend on weed or other things i like.Plus there are health aspects of smoking tobacco to think about.

I decided to stop smoking cigarettes never really liked them but was just addicted to nicotene.

I was always a heavy joint smoker and would happily toke all day, but that comes at a price, smoking weed all day in joints is expensive, even if you grow your own, that pile of stash soon dwindles and then you have to go score some. Believe me i always loved smoking a spliff.

These days i got a lot more stuff to keep together and money has to go to other places.

So i gave up tobacco,but had a few relapses, every time i had to give up tobacco i had to go through the same withdrawl process and man tobacco is one hard thing to kick ( i realise there a other substances that may be more addictive), but for me it was very difficult.

I'd go out and see me mates and they'd all be smoking joints and would always pass one my way and i'd have to say "no thanks, i'll have a pipe" but theres always the time when your mashed and that joint comes your way and you think i'll just ahve a couple of tokes and your head telling you "it's alright , its just a cuople of tokes. I definately won't by any bacci tomorrow".

A couple of tokes LMFAO it always ended up with me getting back in to bad habbits and buying tobacco again.

Now I kicked it and I never take that joint, no matter what!! Will power, sheer bloody will powerI just got to say "No", no matter what.

I love my weed and smoke almost every day, but thats just in the evenings now and sometimes for a day or two not having a smoke aint so bad.

Now my weed goes much further and i get all that money i would have spent on tobacco and smoking joints all day to spend on other things.

I will always love my weed and don't see me ever not enjoying it or stopping using it, i may however stop smoking it one day and just vape or eat it, but that day hasn't come just yet so i will have another pipe :D

Here's some info on damiana

Damiana Benefits



Damiana leaves have been used as an aphrodisiac and to boost sexual potency by the native peoples of Mexico, including the Mayan Indians and is used for both male and female sexual stimulation, increased energy, asthma, depression, impotence and menstrual problems.

Damiana is a small shrub with aromatic leaves found on dry, sunny, rocky hillsides in south Texas, Southern California, Mexico, and Central America. Damiana leaves have been used as an aphrodisiac and to boost sexual potency by the native peoples of Mexico, including the Mayan Indians. The two species used in herbal healing, both of which are referred to as damiana, are Turnera aphrodisiaca and Turnera diffusa.

Historically damiana has been used to relieve anxiety, nervousness, and mild depression, especially if these symptoms have a sexual component. The herb is also used as a general tonic to improve wellness.

Damiana has also been used traditionally to improve digestion and to treat constipation, as in larger doses it is thought to have a mild laxative effect.

It is well known in southwestern cultures as a sexuality tonic and is recommended by many top herbalists. It stimulates the intestinal tract and brings oxygen to the genital area. It also increases energy levels which does a lot to restore libido and desire. In women, Damiana often restores the ability to achieve orgasm. Damiana is used primarily as an energy tonic and an aphrodisiac for both men and women.

Damiana has a dual effect. It can work quickly to stimulate the genital area by enriching the oxygen supply. Longer term use can improve sexual fitness and performance.

The libido-boosting power of damiana hasn't been tested in humans, although a liquor made from the leaves has long been used as an aphrodisiac in Mexico. In animal studies, extracts of damiana speeded up the mating behavior of "sexually sluggish" or impotent male rats. It had no effect on sexually potent rats.

The chemical composition of damiana is complex and all of the components have not been completely identified. However, the known make-up is 0.5-1% volatile oil, flavonoids, gonzalitosin, arbutin, tannin and damianin (a brown bitter substance). It also contains essential oils (containing cineol, cymol, pinene), cyanogenic glycosides, thymol and trace amounts of phosphorus.

How damiana works as an aphrodisiac is currently not known. It is also claimed that when drank as a tea it has a relaxing effect not-unlike low doses of cannabis.

peace brother


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yeah i had read few things about it's aphrodisiac side, but this part i don't really care in the end ;) even thought it does sound interesting for sexual nights lolol

But as you see in this doc it is mentionned nowhere the smoking of it, that's why i never jump the step of using it but after all my cousin never died of it ;)

Cheers man thanks for the read

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my mistake, i misunderstood what you meant.

So i looked for some info ;)

copied and pasted from - http://www.sweetsmokeherbs.com/t-art_smoking_damiana.aspx

Smoking Damiana

Damiana (Turnera diffusa) is a flowering shrub with small yellow flowers and a woody stem that grows wild in Mexico, Central America, and highland South America. Traditionally used as a nerve tonic, aphrodisiac and reproductive herb, smoking damiana has also become popular among the North American herbal smoke community. Its gentle euphoric effects, aphrodisiac properties, and ability to potentiate the effects of other smoking herbs make it worthwhile for you to consider smoking damiana if you haven’t tried it already.

Depending on the dose and method of consumption, the physical and mental effects of damiana vary, and can range from subtle to pronounced. Damiana smoked from a rolled joint or pipe will often generate feelings of mellowness and relaxation lasting from 30 minutes to a few hours, based on your own innate tolerance. Some people prefer brewing damiana tea to get the same mellowing effects or to help them relax before bed. Combined with passionflower or another calming herb, damiana tea may even promote vivid or lucid dreams, making it an often overlooked addition to the range of commercially available dream herbs. Damiana herb is also an effective aphrodisiac for both men and women: it has been traditionally consumed by Mexican women wanting to increase their arousal and sexual passion. Most interestingly, the worlds of dream herbs and aphrodisiacs may collide when you take damiana tea: some users report it has a tendency to give them vivid or lucid dreams of a romantic nature.

Some users discover that damiana herbs can carry a bit of a reverse tolerance, which requires them to smoke damiana for a few days before it has an effect on them. It can be helpful to blend damiana with other smoking herbs to enhance its effects, and damiana thus combined can also amplify the effects of many psychoactive and visionary herbs. Many people have reported it lowers their tolerance to alcohol, enabling them to drink less and get the same inebriating effects. Because it is so powerful as a potentiator, we recommend you approach mixing damiana with other herbs or alcohol with a bit of caution.

Smoking damiana herb alone can unlock interesting euphoric and even visionary effects, especially with faithful use. Feelings of peace and happiness with a reduced or eliminated level of anxiety are common after damiana smoking: users often say that it makes their problems seem unimportant, and cancels out negative or nagging thoughts that prevent them from becoming relaxed. Like blue lotus, damiana herb smoke relaxes you without clouding your thoughts. You may want to have damiana on hand for recreational activities such as listening to music, reading, or relaxing with a loved one. Many users report that it increases their interest in the immediate environment and people around them, and promotes clarity and emotional openness. Smoking damiana may even have effects on vision for some: a few damiana users have reported that they experience heightened perception of color, and that colors may seem to move in their vision for a while after using damiana.

Perhaps, like many, you’re more familiar with damiana’s reputation as a potent aphrodisiac. Studies of damiana’s effect on the body have revealed that this plant may contain alkaloids similar to caffeine that increase blood flow to the genitals and enhance sensitivity. Damiana also contains an oil that may stimulate the genitourinary tract when taken internally. However damiana’s aphrodisiac reputation comes not just from its physical effects, but from how they synergize with the plant’s ability to encourage openness and affection between partners, especially if both take damiana simultaneously. Just as damiana can encourage general sociability, between two loving partners this herb can stimulate feelings of affection and lower emotional inhibitions that may get in the way of intimacy. Rather than simply cranking your libido, damiana herb can help you more fully express your natural affection and attraction toward a partner, leading to a more emotionally fulfilling experience for both of you.

Smoking damiana can be a fantastic way to enhance your social and romantic experiences, enhance your focus as part of meditation, promote sleep and dreams, or just chill out as part of a relaxing evening. Amazing how many things a little flowering shrub can do, isn’t it?


The next article was copied and pasted from - http://www.livestrong.com/article/226070-dangers-of-smoking-damiana-leaves/

Dangers of Smoking Damiana Leaves

Mar 6, 2011 | By Shelley Moore

Species of Turnera, commonly called damiana, have traditional uses for increasing sex drive, relieving depression and calming anxiety. People harvest Turnera leaves throughout Mexico and Central America, and in parts of South America and the southwestern United States. Damiana is available in teas, capsules, tablets, liquid tinctures and extracts, and some stores that sell herbal smoke products carry damiana leaves. Smoking damiana is purported to create a sense of relaxation and mild euphoria. Little scientific evidence supports any effectiveness of damiana, according to Drugs.com. The website advises consulting with a licensed health care professional before using any herbal product.


Damiana contains small amounts of chemical compounds called cyanogenetic glycosides that release hydrogen cyanide, a substance with poisonous properties. Negative effects of these compounds are linked to using large amounts of damiana, according to Drugs.com.

Smoke Health Dangers

Although herbal products do not contain tobacco or nicotine, smoking these herbs still can have hazardous effects, cautions Sun Coast Organics. As with tobacco cigarettes, smoking damiana produces tar, ash and carbon monoxide, and the smoke itself is harsh on the lungs.

Allergic Reaction

Although rare, some people may experience an allergic reaction to smoking damiana. Signs of a serious allergic reaction may include difficult breathing, throat closing, hives, and facial or mouth swelling. Drugs.com advises emergency medical treatment if any of these signs occur while using damiana. An allergic reaction to an herbal product can lead to life-threatening anaphylactic shock, which involves a sudden drop in blood pressure and severe breathing problems.

Lack of Information

Research on the safety of damiana is lacking, according to Drugs.com, and most of the scant research has focused on taking it internally rather than smoking the leaves. The safety of damiana for pregnant or breastfeeding women, and people with liver or kidney disease, is unknown. Cyanide toxicity is an issue, and cyanide in the body could harm a fetus or a nursing baby. No research is available on the safety of damiana use in children, according to Drugs.com. Damiana affects brain chemicals, and using it may be dangerous for anyone with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, mania, Alzheimer's disease or Parkinson's disease. Taking damiana internally can lower blood sugar, so if you plan to smoke damiana leaves, be cautious if you also take medication to regulate blood sugar.

Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/226070-dangers-of-smoking-damiana-leaves/#ixzz2DEty8Mua



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@ Dust - my misunderstanding was i didn't realise you were talking about smoking it, i took nothing negative from what you said ;) all is good my friend :D

@Fuzzy - Thanks bro for doing some research maybe i will try Damiana. I really like you found bulk hemp leaf, i wonder how it would smoke? I,m guessing it will have that slightly mint/hay taste you get from weed that dried to fast, but thats not the end of the world,if you want to have a joint with some good bud.

I like to cure my leaf material it makes the smoke a little smoother and because i don't need to smoke joint all the time my cured stash lasts a while.

I have heard of greengo and that people often use it in the netherlands, funny thing with shayana shop is they won't send it to the netherlands, not sure why though.

In the past i have used farmers honey blend mix, bit of an odd flavour but once you get used to it its not so bad.

Here is a link that may be interesting ,some of these blends (all tobacco free) have other flavours added, such as fruit juice and flavours like coffe, cherry , chocolate etc - http://www.natures-world.co.uk/shop.php?category_id=3

wild lettuce smoking mix - http://www.willybanjo.com/shop/smoking_supplies/smoking_blends/herbal_smoking_blends/wild_lettuce_herbal_mix.asp

Hookah tobacco free smoking mixes for when you want to share a sheesha - http://www.shivaheadshop.co.uk/shop/hookah_accessories/hookah_pipe_tobacco_free_fruit_mix/index.html

Peace brother


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  • 1 month later...

@ Dust - my misunderstanding was i didn't realise you were talking about smoking it, i took nothing negative from what you said ;) all is good my friend :D

@Fuzzy - Thanks bro for doing some research maybe i will try Damiana. I really like you found bulk hemp leaf, i wonder how it would smoke? I,m guessing it will have that slightly mint/hay taste you get from weed that dried to fast, but thats not the end of the world,if you want to have a joint with some good bud.

I like to cure my leaf material it makes the smoke a little smoother and because i don't need to smoke joint all the time my cured stash lasts a while.

I have heard of greengo and that people often use it in the netherlands, funny thing with shayana shop is they won't send it to the netherlands, not sure why though.

In the past i have used farmers honey blend mix, bit of an odd flavour but once you get used to it its not so bad.

Here is a link that may be interesting ,some of these blends (all tobacco free) have other flavours added, such as fruit juice and flavours like coffe, cherry , chocolate etc - http://www.natures-world.co.uk/shop.php?category_id=3

wild lettuce smoking mix - http://www.willybanjo.com/shop/smoking_supplies/smoking_blends/herbal_smoking_blends/wild_lettuce_herbal_mix.asp

Hookah tobacco free smoking mixes for when you want to share a sheesha - http://www.shivaheadshop.co.uk/shop/hookah_accessories/hookah_pipe_tobacco_free_fruit_mix/index.html

Peace brother


That Soex hookah stuff tastes a bit off compared to the nicotine shisha.

For the fruity hookah experience there's those ecigs like this:

you can get nicotine free liquid to fill it up.

actually some have tried boiling bud in glycerin to create their own liquid for the unit which creates an e joint!

Might have to give that a go sometime for some non combustion tokin!:)

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