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Krakoshia - AFGOOEY - PowerFeeding - 01/2013


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tu tranquilo y yo nervioso , que onda carnal como siempre digo quieres que tus cogollos engorden , dales te de platano con miel de abeja y azucar , y agua de pecera , con esses de pez , a mi me funciona de los mas lindo , claro agua dulce , y veras resultado , yo no me arrepiento de haberle hechado agua de pecera a mis plantas ahora , riego con pura agua de esa despues de la cuarta semana de floracion , saludos y que hermosos cogollos

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looking nice man flowering is going strong now :)

they will like the molasse next time, even wtaer only for 2 3 times they will like i think ;)

But everything looks heatlhy thanks for the news

Thanks for come to see the girls bro! I love the pictures from the upside of the afgooeys!

Bien primo bien!! No te desesperes, se ven hermosas y ya van a engordar y empezar a rendir ;) Les ayuda mucho el lavado de raíces, es una p4ja pero ayuda .

Felicitaciones, hermosas plantas!

Primo! La verdad ni ganas de hacer un lavado de raices jaja, igual engordar engordan, pero no ramificaron absolutamente nada las afgooeys, del tallo principal en cada nodo hay un par de cogollos y eso es todos, supongo que sean un solo cogollo princial bien resinoso y gordito jaja.

tu tranquilo y yo nervioso , que onda carnal como siempre digo quieres que tus cogollos engorden , dales te de platano con miel de abeja y azucar , y agua de pecera , con esses de pez , a mi me funciona de los mas lindo , claro agua dulce , y veras resultado , yo no me arrepiento de haberle hechado agua de pecera a mis plantas ahora , riego con pura agua de esa despues de la cuarta semana de floracion , saludos y que hermosos cogollos

Jajaja brotherr! Tu y tus consejos, siempre cosas nuevas que ni de casualidad encuentro leyendo en internet, como siempre anoto todo y de a poco voy probando lo que dices. Gracias por pasarte, un abrazo y buenos humos!

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Yo tambien uso en mis plantas agua de acuario, en mi caso son gambas de agua dulce y caracoles, me proporcionan una buena agua con oxigeno, a 20ºC y con abono organico de todo el habitat que hay en la pecera..

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Yo tambien uso en mis plantas agua de acuario, en mi caso son gambas de agua dulce y caracoles, me proporcionan una buena agua con oxigeno, a 20ºC y con abono organico de todo el habitat que hay en la pecera..

Vaya hasta que brinco uno que tambien trabaja con a caca del pescado ,jaja

que tranza mi McRadikal , y cuentanos como te va con el agua de pecera (Acuario ) en mi caso me va de maravilla , tengo un cuate que fue el que me enseño esto del agua de acuario y tambien tiene un monton de caracoles , y unos peces llamados angeles . sabes y eh visto que si mejoran los cogollos , saludos banda

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Viste primo? Estan divinas! Esa doble cabeza es de la Super Critical, se me traspapelo la foto. Quedo asi por la poda que le tuve que hacer ya que no paraba de crecer a lo bestia! jajaa

Amigaso! Por suerte no sacaron mas manchas, estoy casi seguro que me pase con la dosis de Phito FOS foliar y con eso las queme. La verdad que lo que decis del lavado de raices es ideal, pero me da demasiada fiaca a veces! Jajaja. Gracias por seguir visitando a las niñas. Buenos Humos!

can someone tell me why this is not in English! Dude I came back after your statement on my seedtest and the Afgooey that it doesn't grow very bush like. There is some feeding tricks and top-off methods that will make it more a bush like growing. On my 24/7 light test and on my normal 18/6 the plants don't grow any branches only very small branches close against the stam. Prob due to it's origin. The way I see it it's ideal for SoG! I dont think any longer vedging will make them alot more bushy, but we'll see I'm vedging a little longer and feed her with mother plants GPF.

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can someone tell me why this is not in English! Dude I came back after your statement on my seedtest and the Afgooey that it doesn't grow very bush like. There is some feeding tricks and top-off methods that will make it more a bush like growing. On my 24/7 light test and on my normal 18/6 the plants don't grow any branches only very small branches close against the stam. Prob due to it's origin. The way I see it it's ideal for SoG! I dont think any longer vedging will make them alot more bushy, but we'll see I'm vedging a little longer and feed her with mother plants GPF.

Is not in english because is a reply to my cousin GastonHaze who speak spanish :P I try always to post in both laguages, but my answers are in the language of the questioner... Keep me informed about your girls bro!

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Is not in english because is a reply to my cousin GastonHaze who speak spanish :P I try always to post in both laguages, but my answers are in the language of the questioner... Keep me informed about your girls bro!

Yeh ok but I think we are polite when we only speak English here, never mind if the admins are fine with it it's fine with me too. Strange cause they have asked me to not speak Dutch on the Forum. Anyways I will follow your grow mate.

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Undutched good to see you watching out for the forum haha ;) BUT english and Spanish are the 2 allowed languages on the forum ;) It is better of course to put the Translation when possible :rabbi: :rabbi: :rabbi:

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Undutched good to see you watching out for the forum haha ;) BUT english and Spanish are the 2 allowed languages on the forum ;) It is better of course to put the Translation when possible :rabbi: :rabbi: :rabbi:

Yeh ok I thought so but I don't speak Spanish so when we talk it's more convient we do that in English, but I understand that Spanish is a world language and maybe something for me to learn! Thnx for informing me Dust!

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Krakoshia my friend..thanks for the message , I've said before to others, don't ever apologize for your English, it is much better than my Spanish! That is a very beautiful room you have growing :biggrin: A very cool looking strain, the leaves are massive and you can tell the strain is a true indica! Maybe you will see some really nice colours come out at flowering and with a name like Afgooey I imagine they will be full of resin! It's also nice that you got different phenos, get a feel for a few different examples of the strain. Best of luck with flowering!! :)


Krakoshia mi amigo .. gracias por el mensaje, lo he dicho antes que los demás, no se te ocurra pedir disculpas por tu Inglés, es mucho mejor que mi español! Es una habitación muy bonita que tienen cada vez más una cepa muy fresco, las hojas son enormes y se puede decir que la cepa es un indicador cierto! Tal vez va a ver unos colores muy bonitos salen a la floración y con un nombre como Afgooey me imagino que estará lleno de resina! También es bueno que tienes fenotipos diferentes, tener una idea de algunos ejemplos diferentes de la cepa. Mucha suerte con la floración!


** Translated with google translate..sorry for any errors

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I didn't mean anything by the posts and when some are not writing or speaking English the way most off us do it's not something to shame yourself about! Ass long as we understand what's been told by the poster we should not be hars on them, only because they are trying. Nice grow mate my Afgooey doesn't grow branches (none off them I've got 5 in total) 2 in my second room the Afgooey is a bit bigger and doesn't grow them also. Dust told me that it comes with the strain it's like the Cronic serious seeds' I've noticed that when you train the roof tops down )bend the leaves down so light can get penetrate better and put some CFL next to it (not above) branches develop a little better that way. So my guess is that if you are willing to clone it this is your best change on getting some good clones from it cause the leaves don't let trough enough light for branches to grow properly.

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Krakoshia my friend..thanks for the message , I've said before to others, don't ever apologize for your English, it is much better than my Spanish! That is a very beautiful room you have growing :biggrin: A very cool looking strain, the leaves are massive and you can tell the strain is a true indica! Maybe you will see some really nice colours come out at flowering and with a name like Afgooey I imagine they will be full of resin! It's also nice that you got different phenos, get a feel for a few different examples of the strain. Best of luck with flowering!! :)


Krakoshia mi amigo .. gracias por el mensaje, lo he dicho antes que los demás, no se te ocurra pedir disculpas por tu Inglés, es mucho mejor que mi español! Es una habitación muy bonita que tienen cada vez más una cepa muy fresco, las hojas son enormes y se puede decir que la cepa es un indicador cierto! Tal vez va a ver unos colores muy bonitos salen a la floración y con un nombre como Afgooey me imagino que estará lleno de resina! También es bueno que tienes fenotipos diferentes, tener una idea de algunos ejemplos diferentes de la cepa. Mucha suerte con la floración!


** Translated with google translate..sorry for any errors

Really thanks for your post and your private msj. Ill try to do my best with the scrog in the next grow. You will see in this foro. Thanks again for your help and for being cool bro.

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I didn't mean anything by the posts and when some are not writing or speaking English the way most off us do it's not something to shame yourself about! Ass long as we understand what's been told by the poster we should not be hars on them, only because they are trying. Nice grow mate my Afgooey doesn't grow branches (none off them I've got 5 in total) 2 in my second room the Afgooey is a bit bigger and doesn't grow them also. Dust told me that it comes with the strain it's like the Cronic serious seeds' I've noticed that when you train the roof tops down )bend the leaves down so light can get penetrate better and put some CFL next to it (not above) branches develop a little better that way. So my guess is that if you are willing to clone it this is your best change on getting some good clones from it cause the leaves don't let trough enough light for branches to grow properly.

I do not think he said that for your comment, rather was in response to a private message sent to him. And i'm agree with you about the leaves don't get trough enough light for branches to grow properly. We will have to get used to this genetics with few branches, but very snowy!

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Vaya hasta que brinco uno que tambien trabaja con a caca del pescado ,jaja

que tranza mi McRadikal , y cuentanos como te va con el agua de pecera (Acuario ) en mi caso me va de maravilla , tengo un cuate que fue el que me enseño esto del agua de acuario y tambien tiene un monton de caracoles , y unos peces llamados angeles . sabes y eh visto que si mejoran los cogollos , saludos banda

Pues la prueba esta en el seguimiento de las White Lemon esas todas llevan ese agua + el PowerFeeding y en algunos momentos solo agua + Miel...

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