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Krakoshia - AFGOOEY - PowerFeeding - 01/2013


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Nice setup buddy. Best of luck to you and your seeds :).

Peace & Smoke

Brother Jimmy

Ty bro! I,m trying to do my best.

nice homemade room :) Love to see DIY reminds me of Mc gyver ^^

Girls are germinating good hope they will hope grow without problems :D

Keep us updated ;)

Thumbs up brother! You really think ahead when you plan a grow. Looks like everything is in a working order.

This is the first time i seen someone use a ring around the seed when the germinate.

I will start to use those rings as well :)

Im sure those home made tents will be good. Did you check if they can be 100% dark inside?

I hope you keep doing regular updates because i really want to see how those tents turn out.

I leave you with a bit of MacGyver inspiration.

Lol guys! You made me laugh a lot! I should change my nick to MacGyver! hahaha

Tokage, When rivet the blackout there will be 100% darkness, but I fall short of nails. I'll fix these days. It is a special blackout for indoors, black on the outside and reflective inside. I know my english isn't the best, i hope i explained correctly.

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Bien!! MUY BIEN!!! Felicitaciones primo! Es un placer ver lo que armaste y notar la dedicación que pusiste. Espero obtengas Hermosos resultados!

Claro que me quedo por acá siguiéndote y apoyándote día a día!

Paz y Buenos Humos!


Gracias primo querido! Ya te imaginaras que hay mano de obra conocida ahi! Aprovecho para hacer publico el agradecimiento a fede que estuvo todo el sabado transpirando como un negro para ayudarme a construirlo.

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Gracias primo querido! Ya te imaginaras que hay mano de obra conocida ahi! Aprovecho para hacer publico el agradecimiento a fede que estuvo todo el sabado transpirando como un negro para ayudarme a construirlo.

jaja de nada, lo hice solo pq confio en q vas a sacar cosas ricas, cuando fijes bien el blackout va a quedar lindo ademas de practico jeje

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Hola brothers and sisters! Les traigo novedades y fotos de las chicas.

Hi brothers and sisters! More photos and news from the girls!

25 - 01 - 2013 Germinacion/Germination

27 - 01 - 2013 Tierra/Ground

29 - 01 - 2013 Indoor halogenated mercury 250 W photoperiod 18/6

29 - 01 - 2013 / 31 - 01 - 2013 / 2 - 02 - 2013 Agua/Water 7,8 ph

4 - 02 - 2013 Phito GRO + Trichodermas












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Si alguno le pica el bicho de la curiosidad las otras semillas son White Widow de Green House, Super Crital de Green House, Mr Nice de Sensi Seeds, y una Caboose que intercambie con otro competidor por una Afgooey (espero que no se molesten, ambas semillas recibiran seguimiento y podran verlos en el foro :) )

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Hola mis brothersitosss! Les traigo nuevas fotos de las niñas. Ayer 6/2 les di su primer dosis de Power feeding y note que sus raices aun eran debiles asique les voy a dar sequia hasta el martes con la esperanza de que crezcan en busca de agua.

Hello!!! I bring new photos. Yesterday I gave them the first dose of Power Feeding. I notify that their roots were weak, so i'll give drought until Tuesday, hoping to grow roots in search of water.

Afgooey 1:


Afgooey 2:




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Muy buen comienzo, me encantan los indoors fabricados por uno mismo, a ver si empiezan esas perezosas a darte guerra y esos cuartos se llenan de verde, buena suerte.

Smoke and Love

Todo lo que uno fabrica con sus propias manos (y algunas manos amigas :P) tiene un plus de valor sentimental jaja. Tuve que viajar y antes de irme les di el Power Feeding, el lunes las voy a volver a ver, tengo mucha ansiedad por comprobar los efectos del sustrato! Asique el martes o miercoles subire nuevas fotos!

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Hola mis fumonesss! Aqui les traigo a las chicas.. las fotos son de ayer 12-2-2013, estan en perfecto estado y creciendo muy bellas! Estos dias hizo mucho calor pero se la bancaron muy bien, por suerte ahora bajo de los 30 grados.

Hi smokers! lol. I bring new photos of the girls. I took them yesterday 12-2. These days it was very hot, but the girls endured it very well.

PD: I would like to upload a video but i don't know how, if someone can post a link to learn ill be grateful.











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wll the girls are growing nicely it seems, very cute roundish leaves :)

You should try to get the humidity a little higher if you can, it's not crucial, but would be nice ;)

Thanks for the news, keep us updated!

Have a good grow

y las chicas están creciendo muy bien lo que parece, muy lindo :) hojas redondeadas

Usted debe tratar de conseguir la humedad un poco más si es posible, no es crucial, pero estaría bien;)

Gracias por la noticia, nos mantienen actualizados!

Tener un buen crecimiento

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It´s a little hot amigo but the bulb is so high up and the fans seems good that i´m sure it will be ok for now.

(but you might want to figure out what to do about it before they grow to big)

Best way to upload a video is by using Growhd.com.

If you upload a video from Youtube or Growhd all you got to do is copy the link and paste in your update. The vid will auto play.

Good luck my friend and be back soon with that video ok!

Ty a lot for the help about the video.

Regarding the other issue, in two weeks I will transfer the plants to the flowering indoor wich is higher.

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If I could recommend 1 thing for you friend to lower your heat big time and then be able to lower your light is this.

Your enclosed light is creating a lot of heat. If it were me. I would cut one 4" hole on one side and one 3" hole on the other. Attach an inline small muffin fan to the outside of the 4" hole and run an exhaust out the room. It would allow you to drop your light a few feet. Thats me though.

Good luck and welcome !

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If I could recommend 1 thing for you friend to lower your heat big time and then be able to lower your light is this.

Your enclosed light is creating a lot of heat. If it were me. I would cut one 4" hole on one side and one 3" hole on the other. Attach an inline small muffin fan to the outside of the 4" hole and run an exhaust out the room. It would allow you to drop your light a few feet. Thats me though.

Good luck and welcome !

Ty bro.. i don't know if u saw the first pics... above the bulb i ve an extractor (220V cooler). Should i put another on vertical side?

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Terribles 39 grados estan haciendo asique tuve que hacer un aire acondicionado casera con hielos y una bolsa frente al ventilador. Esperemos que resistan las chiquis a esta ola de calor! Lo que noto es que estos dias de tanto calor no crecen :(

There are 39 degrees on the indoor, TERRIBLE! I had to improvise an air conditioned with a bag full of ice in front of the cooler (like mac gyver lol). I hope the girl resist. I notify they are not growing these hot days.





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