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The art of ripening

No matter which variety or medium flowering recent weeks are a crucial step towards a good result. The plants are now putting all energies to make the flowers more compact and to coat with the largest resin. At this stage it is very important to raise the fertilization program with high levels of P, K and trace elements high, until the time when the cleaning is performed to remove residual fertilizer buds.
The pH level of the solution will depend on the variety, but it is safe to say that a pH of 6.4 to 7.0 will allow a good maturation of all varieties in all media. EC levels depend on several factors, but generally will be lowered slowly. (The time of the maximum peak floral production, a few weeks before, it is usually the highest EC harvest).
During the 2-3 week flowering resin production is at its maximum and the complex cocktail of cannabinoids and terpenes that characterize the final product is taking shape. For this reason it is important to understand that choosing the time to reap the desired end result depends on taste and effect. Of course, each variety has its aroma, taste and effect which are determined by genetics. However reap a week before or after the final result can influence somewhat.
Once you have the flower clusters are formed and the plant focuses on making compact and heavy buds and resin production, the THC acid starts to become delta-9 THC and delta-9 THC begins to transform and degrade CBN, CBG and other cannabinoids. CBD levels also change during maturation, as well as terpenes.
If you reap a distinct branch of a plant every day for a week, you would discover that the taste and the effect would be slightly different each time.
When the mature grass, flavor and aroma tend to become more complex and sweet flavors more layers after combustion or vaporization. When harvested prematurely taste tends to be more fresh and green, and not as complex (think fruits and vegetables, which gives a similar way). The effect is usually more cerebral and uplifting when harvested early, and physical and narcotic when harvested late.
Most growers agree that it is better to try to grow the grass as much as possible to get a full effect and a complex aroma and flavor, but in some cases (especially with pure sativa or indica) may be interesting to try different times crop to find the desired result.
Another point which fits much is the fact that the sativas tend to mature in a less uniform than Indicas. This has to do with the highest height and having a generally flowering period longer. In pure sativas a typical phenomenon is that the lower branches tend to finish earlier, while the top of the plant still produces new flower clusters. The best way to deal with this delay in maturation is harvested in two steps, first by cutting the lower branches and leaving an extra week or so for the rest of the plant.
If the desired result is to get as resin and more aroma and flavor, it is possible to shorten the duration of the day to 11 or 10 hours of light during the last week of ripening. Thus treated plants completed their life cycle even faster, and the resin will be thicker. But on the other side of the buds compaction may suffer somewhat.
The resin itself may be a necessary factor in the level of maturation. Looking to the trichomes one can discern the level of maturation; trichomes clear and bright indicate that most of THC has not yet degraded, while a more opaque and amber color indicates that THC and CBN is degraded, and others cbg cannabinoids. For a good reading of test samples is different areas of the plant, whereas the exposure to light influence the resin (buds of the lower parts of the plant that receive less light are more commonly less degraded than the exposed ends direct light all the time).
Other factors influencing the production of resin are light, temperature and humidity.
The spectrum red-orange-yellow this more suitable for development of the resin, although the intensity is more important than the spectrum.
Temperature plays an important factor in the maturation of plants as well. The resin production is closely linked to heat, and if the room temperature drops below culture of 18-20 degrees Celsius it is difficult to obtain white buds. Too much heat can also damage the resin production; 33-35 degrees Celsius above the vital functions of the plant are slowed down and becomes thinner resin.
The humidity above 65% also bring problems for optimal production of the resin, and the threat of fungal attack increases dramatically.
Whatever the variety or medium, mature buds is the best way to get tasty and potent herb.
Most companies these days produce fertilizer products to mature, and most of them work well. Try different products on the same range for a true comparison test.
Because the buds, like fruit, are enjoyed the most when harvested at their optimal time.

Green House Seed Company

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