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Mycorrhizae Networks

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from New Scientist weekly dated the 13th of November 2010.

some 80% of plants are colonized by fungi that form the network of fine white threads that hang off healthy roots.

these threads(called mycorrhizae) take in water and minerals from the soil which they trade with the plant in exchange a sugary substance which the plant secretes

Scientists at South China Agricultural University in Guangzhou grew pairs of Tomato plants in pots;

They allowed some pairs to form mycorrhizal networks between their roots.

The plants that were connect through their roots exchanged nutrients and water.

These scientist sprayed one plant in each pair with Alternaria solani, a fungus that causes early blight.

65 hours later, the second plant was infected with this fungus, and they measured how well it coped with the fungus.

Plants that shared a mycorrhizal network were less likely to go down with the fungus, but if they did, then the symptoms from the fungus were not as bad.

Doctor Zeng has dubbed the mycorrhizae " the internet of plant communities".

Dan Dural of the University of British Columbia has show that mycorrhizae networks can be enormous, and he has found a network that weaved its way through an entire Canadian forest.

"Durall says, Mycorrhizal networks even tie together plants of different species , which means different species might be able to communicate with each other".

Intensly farmed plants do not form these networks with mycorrhizae as they have ample acess to water and nutrients,

and thus miss out on a number of benifits these networks bring to these plants.

happy growing,


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Guest superbluehaze

You are welcome my friend.

The article has much more detail;

i summarized it rather drastically but the main points are there.

So much is unknown about what goes on below the soil.

There are more microbes in a handful of dirt than all the people combined who have ever walked the earth since like began.

i have come to realize that an appreciation of this complexity is of absolute importance, as it gives one the ability to see passed a lot of the hype used to sell particular systems, and to think laterally, as an understanding of this complexity keeps one open to trying new techniques.happy growing,my friendjohn

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There are some problems concerning the application of Mycorrhiza. All products on the market fail in fact of the fungi needs to adapt to the roots 32 C and 100 % moist ( In Soil )

This is becouse they all sale dead spores of fungi. This dead spores are to 98 % effectless ( I got the study on my hand here ) But let keep it simple. To use the offered products effectness you need to prepare some flowers ( don`t know the english name of it ) that is best available for the spores. After cultivating this plant in perlite or something who the fungi can revert.

This root mass needs to be mixed under your soil .... bla bla bla

BUT Brother.

There is a way out of this. I preparing since 6 month the etablishment of special LIVING Mycorrhiza for our loved plants. Specially for our plants !!

Some Dude I know call my friend got the patent for doing Mycorrhiza living in clay.....

Becouse there are so many different fungi cultures, and no fungi works on every plant. Some are for needle trees and and and.

Anyway Bluehaze, you take the right doors my friend :)

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Guest superbluehaze

my friend,

The chemistry and microbology of soil is very complex.

I know they work;

I have seen the results;

words do not count,

results do.

check my post on the church and haze 1

the haze yielded around 6 onces(180 grams) dried and cured.

check you information!


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Thanks for your open word ;)

May be you live in US or something. I saw different products offering Mycorrhiza fungi, this is quit different to us in europe.

May be you already working with living mycorrhiza. I meet Mycorrhiza through Advanced Nutrients. I used there product long time and instandly freaked out becouse it is pretty wxpensive.

To make a long story short, to this time I take much energy to find other company who brings same effects for me for less money.

First company was Mushroom Research Center MRCA GmbH. http://www.mrcashop.org/mushroom_shop/index.php

I called them, ordered there products and discuss with them many aspects of application. becouse I got the idea to start reselling....

BUT, they told me the things I wrote in my first thread. So I do many more research and now my friend the business begins. I don`t want, and can`t say that other products are working or not. But if you look on the ammount of spores that containing in one gramm you see that it is possible that 98 % of this ammount will fail, just 2 % get colonized with roots.

One reason for this is that mycorrhiza fungi is no fungi that propagate by air through spores. In nature it actually goes onle from root to root and are not able to move/ grow other wise.

You see Bluehaze that I gave no shady comment :)

Anyway, business starts. I phoned my dude and we fixed all outstanding problems :)

I´m so happy and interested to see whats going on there.

I will give free samples for testing the products, I just want get result information.

And Bluehaze, 180 gram is amazing and spoke for it self ! You got my full respect !

You see www.mcfleck.de is online since half year. This is ground masket of my mycorrhiza sells company !

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Guest superbluehaze

ok mate,

fair enough.

check out this company;

i use their products, and all their beneficial bacteria and fungi;


their products are available in Europe.

this company was founded by a research scientist; and is a pioneer in friendly bacteria and fungi and their use in hydroponics.

there are many different strains of these fungi, and the way each strain colonize the roots.

happy growing, my friend;


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Guest superbluehaze

it is true these fungi to not like nitrogen.

they give it to the plant in return for sugar, a syrup the plant produces for that purpose.they work together the plant and the fungi,all the best,john

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