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Hello everyone.I just wanna help save these strains that are going out and maybe help find/discover the ultimate strain that is out there waiting to be found. How can i help? When is the next trip, i want in  lol. Well thanks for reading my intro and  looking forward to being more involved with this page. Well time to get going to class, thats right, botany is life lol..peace everyone



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Welcome to StrainHunters, Mr.Phillyphill.


Best way to save the strains that are "going out" is to buy the seeds and get busy growing them and using silver colloid solutions to cross the females against themselves.  Not an easy undertaking and it requires dedication.  Gotta keep the strange pollen out of the grow room.  That way, YOU become a breeder.


Or support your local "reputable" breeders and simply continue to buy from them so that there continues to be a current market for the strains that you want to save.  And tell them so.  In so doing, the breeders will re-double their efforts to produce the genetics that continue to be demanded.


Another way is to become involved in spreading the good word about cannabis and to encourage others to use their power as a voter to get rid of the political scum that supports the monopolizing special interests and abusive laws that punish people for their peaceful pursuits of happiness and better health, away from the synthetic poisons forced on us by the government-supported monopoly - the pharmaceutical industry.  Stop buying synthetic threads to wear, and demand that you want clothing made from hemp fibers, not polyester, nylon, rayon and such polluting crap.  Stop buying that synthetic Canola Oil to cook with, and buy instead Hemp Oil, it is available in Europe and online, and it is rich in Omega 3, and far healthier than Canola-crap and Corn oil and Sunflower oil and Palm oil.  Palm Oil and Sunflower Oil contribute to high cholesterol, and besides, the Palm Oil Industry encourages the destruction of the rain forests.


OK, I step off my soapbox.


For the trips, you'll need to contact Arjan and the crew.  If you know of some fields that they should visit, let them know. 


Botany class is cool.  Be sure to study well about soil microbes, pH, and photoperiod effects of plants, and pests, especially spider-mites; then you'll be in good shape for growing cannabis.


Do you have a grow in progress?  Hey, start a journal and post some pictures for us to enjoy.


Have a good grow...



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LOL i definitely will attempt to do these things but i cant promise anything. Yea man its a bunch of classes but botany would be my major or something like that man and Sadly no broccoli, just vegetables to start off with. and thanks for the advice i appreciate and i do wanna grow. i grew once in GA and it was cool, just wanna learn more before i step into the cage with big dogs lol



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