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holy punch / sour desil cuttings


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hi all its been a wile since ive been able to post but im currently  doing for plants 4 3 diffrent ways mainly to see the results in soil to air the root has acsses to  and try and see if it will make any diffrance to end result and a hydro bucket purly i no i can get quite a bit of a desecent size plant and a good amount of good product at the end


first couple of weaks fed on baby bio tomato feed then moved on to green house powder feadin on 2gram per ten lters at 5.5 to 5.7 ph 


first couple of weaks under 60watt fluresent tube light and two 20 watt house lights then moved on to a 200watt cfl and they are now under a 60watt flurecent tube light and a 500watt hps flood light for the pas weak running 18 hours on 6 hours  0ff will be for the next 4 to 6 weaks until i have a chance to flower them


holy punch

is in small pots with clay balls wich are planted straight in two soil and will contiue to do so untill  probly bout 30lter potts with clay balls and soil and without roming old pots just allowing roots to contuie to grow throw allowing anthore lays for potenitial air space for the roots

sour desil 

1. is going to say in purly soil from start to finish and ending on a 30lter pot

2. has been started in soil left untill root growth held it together then moved into a net pot with a bais layer of clay balls wich is in a 20lter hydro bucket


hydro bucket fish tank pump

room 6inch circulation fan and 4inch intake  will be adding a 5inch exstraction with a 4inch carbon filter

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