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Angola landrace

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I have been to Angola a few times and smoked some excellent weed. I saw a big field of land race sativa and brought the seeds to my country. Now i want to mix them with some other strains. First I want to know exactly what I have. Is it possible for greenhouse seeds to do the research or does anyone know a good lab in Holland or mainland Europe who can research this for me? And what are the costs for researching a strain?

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Hi mate ;)


Generally, the strains obtained there are pure sativas (landraces Angola). However it is possible that you may have some strain yet to discover, there are always new things :)

In order to analyze a strain it is necessary to flower, so we can see its characteristics (leaves, growth, buds, internodal length, flowering time): This will give us key information to know what type of strain we have.

Once the flowering is finished, you can send buds to a laboratory for analysis, and see the amount of different cannabinoids (thc, cbd, etc....) and also the terpenes (taste, smell, etc...).

So what should you do? If possible, you should try the strain yourself first. And then you can analyze.


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Thank you Jose,


That usefull information.


I'm growing the landrace as we speak. I have a different location where I grow a male for the pollination. I want to cross Greenhouse seed Kalashnikova, becease of the compactness of the plant. I have to do 3 or 4 generations of crossing to get a stable fenotype but i'm sure this is the way to go. Also will be trying other strain but first work this out. wish I could speed up the process it takes so long.  "patience is a virtue".


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Well, if you want to take a shortcut, you can always do an S1.

Cross your best strains and collect the seeds. Make a selection with those seeds, save a clone of them all.

When you know which is the best strain (the one you like best), make an S1.

S1 = Two identical clones (same mother plant), one clone we put to flower (female). The second clone we reverted, for take a  male flowers.  We pollinate clone 1 with clone 2 and obtain feminized S1 seeds.

Many times the S1's are stable, you just have to do a test to check the quality. 


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