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  1. Also, a few mental exercices will help. This is because our Psychology (how we think) affects our Neurology (neuro-chemical interactions) in the brain, which in turn finally affect our actual Physiology. This is the chain of events: Psychology(spirit/thoughts) —» Neurology(mind/brain) —» Physiology(physical effets). Try to use delta wave music or other relaxing music at light volumes as ambient noise. Try to visualize your own color of sleep. Black, blue hues running through in random patterns and shapes, and just focus on those behind your eyelids. You won't even realize when you fall asleep. Try to tense up your feet for 5 seconds then relax. Do this with every body part at least twice while laying in bed. This REALLY is one of the best physical sleep exercices to relax the muscles and the body. See, total wellness comes from all aspects. Not just one or two things. Cannabis will help, but only so much. You can get the best strain in the world for insomnia but until you find your neuronal equilibrium you will not get a REAL natural sleep that you need. Your sleep will always be cannabinoid induced and as such your neurology, and in turn your physiology will suffer. Anyway, these were all side points that I think in my humble opinion that will help you with your cannabis medication in an even more effective manner. Most indica strains are good because they provide a strong body high. I mentioned Grand Dad Purp. I should also mention Blue God. Literally any pure indica strain will absolutely help. You can also try Hindu Kush. http://www.cannabism...l-hawaiian.html — Here is a list of Indica strains that you can look through. Then you can look up the strains you don't know about and see what people have to say about them, check out some reviews etc. I hope this helps. Best of luck. http://www.medicalma...tag/100-indica/ — Actually this is probably a better resource. http://www.leafly.co...plore#/Insomnia — This too. I love leafly. http://www.leafly.co...Insomnia/Sleepy — Filtered for specific sleep inducing strains including ratings and reviews.
  2. I was put on Lunesta (it takes like utter crap/bitter the next morning when you wake up and all day horrible taste, and you can't taste any food, it's all bitter). Xanax is too addictive. Flexeril is a muscle relaxant and will put you to sleep but make you feel groggy the next day, all day. Ambien is ok, but it can become habit forming. Benzodiazapines are not good and addictive. Over the counter sleep medications really are the worst. The best thing you can do is try to restore your endo cannabinoid system using indica strain, coupled with warm milk at night to build up triptophane in your system which will help you sleep. Also, you should think about working out and exercising every day. When the body is naturally tired from a disciplined daily activity, it gets used to getting tired and in a sleepy mode. Physical exertion during the day wlil also help build the fatigue you need right before bed. Also, make it a habit to set an alarm and just wake up every morning around no later than 7:00am. If you get sleepy during the day, keep yourself awake. Push yourself physically and stay up until early evening. Then India, Valarian, Warm Milk, and lay down. Also, when you lay down, google for Delta Wave auditory stimulation of brain waves and there are certain sounds which produce psychosomatic respones in us, such as sleep aid music to help us sleep. I can totally understand the pain of not being able to sleep. I can sympathize and I hope you get well soon from this Insomnia. More than likely, your biological sleep regulating neurochemicals are imbalanced. You can restore this balance using Melatonin. But keep in mind Melatonin is not a sleep medication. It merely makes you feel like you want to go to sleep, because Melatonin is the naturally occuring biochemical in our body that regulates our biological sleep cycles. Also, don't stay up at night beyond 10-11pm at most. Wake up with the Sun, and try to rest down with the setting Sun. Perhaps (and I'm just geussing) partying in your youth and staying up when parents told you not to and even after that in your own personal life has destroyed your natural bio-clock and sleep regulation. My family is full of psychiatirst, neuropsychiatirst and the human mind is one of my most favorite areas of study as a hobby. Feel free to investigate into my advice. Do research on the things I mentioned and hopefully you will cure your insomnia. Good luck and I wish you the best.
  3. Hi. From personal experience, the way my biochemistry is, I benefit the most at night time from Grand Daddy Purp or almost any pure Indica strain. This is what I do for my night time medication. I have ordered 100% pure Valarian root extract oil. I put a little bit of it that into my QWISO oil. I also have natural flavored sandlewood oil extract (VERY declicious taste/smell. Back home in Pakistan we cook Sandlewood with sugar syrupt until it releases all the juices and then it's Sandlewood Sherbet (Sandal Drink)) and I throw in just a few drops of it. Anway, my final blend contains 2 pure Indica strains, GDP and another whose name I can't recall off the top of my head, and Valarian root extract. I take 1-2 dabs of this oil mix and 20-30 minutes I can't stay up. Valarian root is a natural sedative and is healthy. There are other herbs which have calmin, soothing, relaxing and mostly sedative effects which you are interested in. They contain absolutely no dependency so you will not get addicted to any of them. They are perfectly safe to consume and are actually healthy for you. Consider mixing valarian root powder into your vaping blend mix. You can also Try Melatonin coupled w/ Valarian and Indica strains. Also, you will get much better body benefits from juicing raw cannabis (like how BHANG is made in Pakistan/India) w/o decarboxylyzation, and that will also help put you to sleep. You will recieve mostly CDBa and THCa. THCa does not have psychoactive properties but only THC does. However, CBDa, CBN, and THCa do have VERY powerful sedative and painkilling effects. They will ease you and relax you to a point where you will naturally fall asleep, and natural sleep is the best kind of sleep. Also, try to drink a warm glass of milk before you go to bed. If you can, put in that triple oil concentrate recipe I told you about. In hot mil, it will melt and dissolve. You can put in some ovaltine to kill the Cananbis taste if you desire. Make sure it's Vitamin-D or whole fat milk, because you need the FAT in the milk to attack to the melted oil in the warm/hot milk. Milk contains tryptophanes which are also a natural sedative. Turkey meat also provides this. I am a victim of extreme insomnia and I have learned to cure most of it so far. I hope my information helps you in some manner. Good luck. Live long, live well, and propser.
  4. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Endocannabinoid_system http://norml.org/library/item/introduction-to-the-endocannabinoid-system http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22038019 — David Bearman M.D covers some of the most important topics when it comes to Cannabis as a medicine. He provides links, names and FACTS on disease, Cannabis, Cannabinoids, Endocannabinoids and the Endocannabinoid System. There is absolutely no reason for anyone and or the federal government of any country to claim Cannabis to be dangerous and or to not be a medicine. Please remember to watch this at some point, also share.http://phoenixtears.ca/ — The home of Jesus Messiah of our times: Rick Rimpson. He has been curing cancer and many other ailments. He makes and gives away hemp oil for free to anyone who is suffering from anything. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xh2qd_foV-4 — Cannabis cures https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3D0IgBTH_8 — 4:21 hour long documentary on hemp/cannabis. Spread the word as much as you can. Let's put the power of healing back into our own hands and not give into the forced demands of the moden health care system that is literally nothing but a big business. They don't care about you. They want you to remain sick so that they can keep treating you and making money off of you. They know cannabis cures. That's why it's illegal. If they wanted a cure, we'd have human trials and no bans. This is like the same argument almost exactly as STEM CELL RESEARCH. Finally the ban on that was lifted, b/c we ralized how much potential for healing they have. It's analogous to Cannabis. I can't wait until the ban on cananbis research is lifted at the federal level in most countries and they start to do human clinical trials and produce actual human data. Rats and mice aside, cannabis possibly CANNOT hurt anyone, ever. So there is no danger to human trials. What's the worse that can happen during a human trial? The guy gets REALLY fucking stoned? Haha. That's it. The only reason they don't want this cure is because cancer is a 20-billion dollar a year industry, and health care not related to cancer treatment is almost just as expensive and bad for you. People need to learn how to cure themselves using natural herbs and plants and have more knowledge and information. I mayself an looking to do an herbalism and botanics course. I plan on learning Traditional Chinese medicine as well as Indian Ayurvedic and Sufi Hikmat (Hakeem).
  5. Thanks for the advice guys! Here is an update: [04:41:28] <r4nd0m> question: transpotting and planting the germinated seed. [04:41:39] <r4nd0m> It's been a week in the new pot, and nothing sprouted [04:42:50] <r4nd0m> So I removed some top soil and checked the seedling. The root is longer and about half an inch. It was upside down (my first germination), so I turned the seedling so that it is now laying horizontally with the root curved downward. [04:43:21] <r4nd0m> I read you can lay it down horizontal and it will curve, or pointed end downward and let gravity pull the root down [04:43:57] <r4nd0m> Just wondering, you think I might have over watered or put too much stress on it (AC kicks on sometimes and room gets cold), otherwise it remains in late 70s to early 80s F. I water it every day. First couple of days I thought it was supposed to be warm~ish so I kept it on top of my xbox, root kept growing. I think. I also water it every day, just drop a few drops of water on the top soil until it doesn't look or feel dry, but no water comes from the bottom drain hole, so I'm not soaking the soil, just enough to dampen it. The temperature and the handling of the germinated seed from paper towel to soil has put stress on it. This is my very first germinated cananbis seed. This is my first ever grow. I took a look at the seedling every 2-3 days so far, just removing the top soil and checking to see whether it is dead or growing, and it seems to be either growing VERY VERY slowly or that I messed with it too much and possibly damaged it. What do you guys think? I also just been reading and learning. The seeds I picked were random bag seeds. They were VERY dark, not black, very VERY dark brown, one was almost black (that one never germinated). The lightest of the 4 seeds I used (light/dark gray colored) popped instantly and has been growing very slowly. The rest of the three are totally dead. I have 10 seeds left and they look very healthy. I'll try to take a picture of the seeds tomorrow. But they look VERY healthy and not very old and they are grey/brown (not grey/green) and not dark brown or black. They are big round PHAT seeds from what I can tell. Maybe maximum 2 years tops when I found it in the buds. Put seed in paper towel. Popped. Root showed a little bit. I planted it into FFOF potting soil (not the seedling starer mix light warrior, which I JUST learned about tonight, so I'll go get that too. Also I was told to wash the fox farm soil and only water it with distilled water. I was also told to get Litmus Paper strips and test the pH of the water to be around 6-6.5 before I water it. I was also told to get a better soil mix, three parts FFOF Light Warrior Seedling Starter Mix (organic, no nutes) and one part FFOF potting soil). I was paranoid and I think I messed with it too much, looked at it too much by removing the top soil. I don't know if the seedling is dead or if it will still continue to grow and sprout up from the soil. This time I have placed the seed horizontally so that the root is now curving downwards instead of upwards or downwards. (I was told to plant the seed horizontally, as the tap root will grow downwards and curve and then the seedling will sprout from the ground). I have it under a 20~ish Watt CFL lamp in my room, uncovered, breathing good air. I just want your opinions. Do you think I killed it? I examined the color of the root and either it was the light, or the tap root isn't purely white any more. It's got a slight tan/yellowish tint to it. This means it's infected w/ fungus? Or has been over watered? Please advise. Here are the steps I plan on taking on my next 4 seeds. Keeping in mind my entire learning experience here: I am going to buy litmus paper, distilled water, and seedling starter mix (organic, no nutes or chems). Then I will mix 3 parts starter mix, 1 part soil, do a quick wash on the soil (I was told to do this to ensure ph balance for the rootlings of 6.5-7). Then I will fill 4 cups of soil mix. Gently press it down. Take my pinky finger and poke a hole half an inch deep into the soil. Put my seed horizontally into that hole. I will then sprinkle the hole with soil until it is covered. Then I will gently push it down to remove excess air pockets but leave some, not push too hard. Then I will drop a few drops of water until I see 1-2 drops of water drain from the bottom hole of the cup. Then I will put the cups under a CFL. Uncovered. This time I will try to make sure that the temperate of the cup remains to be around 76-80 F. Also the ambient humidity level should be around 50-75%, right? The area where I live, normal everyday humidity is over 70%, so that's fine. Sometimes my brother turns the AC on and it gets really cold in my room. I think my first germination seed took temps at 85-90F, 75-80F, 65-70F and fluctuated between these temp ranges ever since it was planted. Do you have any tips on how to make sure my temperatures remain within reason, don't fluctuate that often. I will try to close my AC vents, but I am trying to find a room where temperatures are mostly stable. Any advice would be highly appreciated. Please advise. Thank you very much! :-)
  6. Because butane is non polar and considered insoluble in water, it is the longest chain alkane that is still slightly water soluble at 0.0325 vol/vol (3.25%). That means that a liter of n-butane will actually hold as much as 32.5 ml or mgs of water (1000ml X 0.0325). 3.25% by volume is also enough water to bring along some water solubles like chlorophyll and other plant waxes. When using non polar solvents like butane and hexane, some non-polar waxes, fats, and lipids are extracted as well. So your extraction still isn't clean. One of the process limitations, is that though non polar, n-butane has slight water solubility. At 20C/68F, it is only 0.0325 percent by vol/vol, but not zero and is still enough to pickup undesirable water solubles. 1 liter, or 1000 ml X 0.0325 = 32.5 ml of water. I haven't even bothered to look up iso-butane and propane yet. The way the alkane hydrocarbon is shaped at the tail end, it is slightly polar and attaches to other molecules. n-Butane (normal butane) is a simple alkane, with four carbon atoms linked together in a row, with the remaining possible carbon bonding sites taken up by hydrogen atoms. The simplest is Methane, which is only on carbon and four hydrogen atoms, followed by Ethane with two carbons, Propane with three, and Butane with the four. Butane Preparation: After removal from the oil, the gases are typically de-sulfurized using steam and a catalytic reactive bed, and fractionally distilled into the four basic gases. As fractional distilling separates the gasses by specific gravity, the principal contaminants in n-Butane at that point, will be Iso-Butane, a branched molecule isomer of n-Butane, as well as n-Propane, and Cyclo-Propane, plus low levels of heavier, longer oleaginous alkane wax chains. Again, please consult above for the MSDS of Vector and countless other canned Butane brands which contains high percentages of these contaminants. Toxicity data Butane LC50 Inhalation Vapor Rat 658000 mg/m3 4 hours Product/ingredient name Result Species Dose Exposure Products of degradation: carbon oxides (CO, CO2) and water. CARCINOGENIC EFFECTS: Classified 1 (Proven for humans.) by IARC, 1 (Known to be human carcinogens.) by NTP, + (Proven.) by NIOSH, 1 (Proven for humans.) by European Union. Classified A2 (Suspected for humans.) by ACGIH. MUTAGENIC EFFECTS: Classified 2 by European Union. May cause damage to the following organs: the reproductive system, mucous membranes, upper respiratory tract, skin, eyes, central nervous system (CNS). n-Butane may also be further refined to increase its purity, or to make it suitable for use in butane lighters. R-600 Refrigerant and Instrument grade n-Butane are examples of higher purity n-Butane suitable for extractions, and are distributed by suppliers like Matheson and Airgas. Anything else you can buy in stores is unclean and dangerous. Besides the cannabinoids, which are Di-Terpene alcohols and di-alcohols (diol), there are also other terpenes in cannabis essential oils, which add to its smell, flavor, and medicinal entourage effect. Some of these terpenes are highly aromatic alcohols, phenols, ketones, aldehydes, ethers, and esters, which are aromatic because they freely give off molecules at even ambient temperatures. Heating purging the oil to decarboxylation temperatures OR vacuum purging will evaporate off most of these smaller aromatic Mono-Terpene and Sesqui-Terpene molecules, before the larger and heavier cannabis Di-Terpenes are affected. Gone also are the medicinal and entourage effects from those terpenes. Any chemists feel free to confirm and/or disconfirm as I found a lot of this in books as well as online and by talking to people in various #chemistry channels online. I would highly discourage the use of Butane as a solvent unless you are a chemist, know how it's done, and have access to industry grade extraction equipment and solvent.
  7. I feel the same way and hold similar opinions to the Original Poster. Budder made using alcohol. No purging required. All you have to do is evaporate the alcohol and the water content. Perfectly safe to consume and make. It's crubmly and yellow because there is absolutely almost ZERO % plant wax or chlorophyll. It is extremely potent, safe to consume, tastes and smells exactly like the original strain from which it was made. I mostly use my Vaporizer. I almost never combusted any Cannabis in 2 years. I use oil in my portable Eclipse Vaporizer. I use this oil on top of freshly baked cookies and brownies and the heat activates the cannabis and melts into the food. Safest way to consume. I will also agree with OP. Here is the data for the most popular Butane brand in the USA, claimed to be filtered 5x. Just note the actual contents of this Butane (and almost every other brand, unless you have a license and a supplier of industrial grade Tetrane): Not only is unsafe and potentially VERY dangerous to make, it is also unsafe to consume because butane gets trapped within the final product between cannabinoid chains due to the way the those particular hydrocarbons are structured and even heat + vacuum purge will not fully clean the product. Alcohol on the other hand contains only water. Evaporate the alcohol and the water and you have NOTHING left in your final product. It is extremely safe to consume. Cannabis oil made in this manner is the most potent and best cure-all medicine for almost any human ailment (Consider our Endo-cannabinoid system that has been evolving for over 700 million years, and Cannabis comes around 60 millions years ago and complements our biochemistry). It is the only substance known to man so far that is literally a cure all for almost any human physical or psychological ailment. No one has ever died from consuming it. And this is why you want to consume this wonderful plant in the most safest and purest form. BHO is NOT SAFE or PURE or CLEAN. It is nothing more than the current trend among stoners who have never given chemistry a second thought past 8th grade. No offense meant to anyone. Ever. I am merely only concerned for your safety. Props to the OP. I admire your courage for standing up to the rest of the stoner community and letting them know that there are people like you and me who actually care. Thank you very much for your post and I wish you the best of everything in life. Smoke For Peace.
  8. UPDATE: SEED #1: Planted in soil after germination. Took a peek carefully yesterday, the white root is longer and growing downward. SEED #2: Seed germinated and planted. 4-5 days, nothing sprouted up. Took a peek, and the seed is exactly the same as when I planted it. White shoot is still the same size, and not even fully out of the seed yet. SEED #3,#4: Did not germinate at all. It's been 4 days at least. Even seed #1 has not sprouted up out of the soil yet. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.
  9. Hey, thanks for the prompt reply. Very highly appreciated mate. Would it be worth investing in one of those $20 USD HEATED germination trays with a top for retain humidity? Also someone named REM told me that I should put the planted seeds under light even before they have sprouted to the surface of the soil. I put both cups under a CFL for a whole day. I was later advised by SuperSilverHaze that I misunderstood and that I should keep the planted seed in the darkness until it sprouts out of the soil, and then put it into the light. Until then, I should keep it dark. I may have misunderstood, but I talk talk a legal farmer in Michigan who is a good friend of mine and in the business for some 20 years, and he said that it does not really matter either way. I can put it under a CFL (low temp light) or leave it in the dark. But make sure it's stays warm and humid. Can anyone confirm this? UPDATE: The third seed is still the same as it was at my last post. You can see that the 4th smaller seed has still not germinated. I am keeping them heavily damp but not drenching wet; the paper towels. I may have scratched the seed too much and damaged it? Time will tell on that one. And another UPDATE: I looked at cup #1 by gently and VERY carefully removing some soil from the spot I dropped in the seed. Using a tiny paper clip folded straight, I very gently moved the seed a tad bit, and I saw that the white tap root had grown twice as much!! This is the germination picture for the first seed. See how tiny the white shoot is? In my careful examination of cup #1, the shoot is literlly 3 times as long. I think hopefully in a few days this should sprout up! I'm very happy about that. Hopefully my examination didn't stress it enough to kill it. The second seed has been in cup #2 and upon examining it I found out that there was no rate of change from when it was germinated. The shoot size looks almost about the same. Any further advice guys? Any notes? Trips? Tricks? Thanks you so very much for all your time. Smoke for peace and then off to sleep. Goodnight. -
  10. Awesome! Thanks for the advice. I was also informed that I should put the cups under light, and I've put them under a CFL for now. Also I have to ask about seed #3 and #4. I had to take very fine sand paper and gently rub the seed on it's edges so as to soften the shell a little bit. I accidentally slipped and scaped the seed slightly until (if I were to guestimate) 0.1mm of the white shoot was showing. I finished rubbing the other side and the outer shell gently and then put it back in the paper towel over my xbox covered w/ a bowl over night. I *THINK* that it has started to pop. I don't recall seeing *THAT* much of the white shoot at all. I only remember that only a tiny tiny faction just on the botom of the seed was showing. It took some work but I think this one germinated. What do you guys think? Can anyone confirm or disconfirm. Sorry for silly questions, but I've been reading the book and online articles and it's my first grow. Kindly advise. Thank you. :-)
  11. So I attempted to germinate 4 random bag seeds, because that is all I have and I am afraid to order online. I dropped 4 seeds in a cup of water. Eventually they all sank. I took them out and put them in a damp paper towel in a plate covered w/ a bowl on top of my Xbox for some warmth. One seed germinated the next morning and I planted it a few hours later. Second seed germinated 12 hours later and I planted that as well. By germinated I mean the seed cracked open and a little white shoot started to come out of it. I got fox farm ocean forest organic potting soil. Someone told me that I should have gotten finer potting soil w/ nutes, like miracle grow for my seedlings Did I get the wrong type of soil and kill my seedlings? Anyway, I planted them in the soil, in a clear plastic cup, and made a drain hole at the bottom, the soil was loose and not tight, I dropped the seed root downward into the soil and sprinked some soil on top to cover it with a 2-3mm thick layer and VERY gently pressed it down and then dropped some drops of luke warm (70F-80F) water drops on it until a couple of water drops ran out of the bottom hole. It has been all night, all day yesterday, all night, then all day today (now it's evening) and I estimate that they have been in the cup for about 40-48 hours. Nothing has popped up out of the soil yet. Last night my brother turned on the AC and my the cups were in my room and my room temperature dropped down to mid 60s F. Should I be worried? Did I do something wrong? Should I remove some soil from top and take a peek at the seedling? Please advise. Thank you so much in advance guys!
  12. I can attest to that. I just started my first Cananbis grow (I've grown other vegetables before) and I put 4 random bag seeds in a cup until they drowned (10+ hours). Then I put them in a damp paper towel in a plate coverd with a bowl in a shelf. One day went by and nothing happened. Then I learned that warmth and humidity is where life thrives. So I took the plate and put it on top of my Xbox for warmth. 2nd day morning first seed popped. I planted it into fox farm organic soil. 2nd seed popped the night of 2nd day. I planted that as well. So just from my own first time ever experience which may not count for anything for you experienced growers, I would also agree that warmth is required. I'm not sure exactly what temperature I had as I don't have a thermometer, but I made sure it was not too warm/hot but slightly above room temp. My room temp is in the mid 70s F so I made sure my paper towel germination tray was in the mid 80s F (just by feeling it). 28C/82F sounds about right for fast germination. Can anyone else confirm or disconfirm?
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