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Outdoor drip system

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Hi there guys. For this year outdoor season I would like to try to build self - suficient drip system. It is pretty symple. The base would be a big water container. Something at least 50l, maybe more (I am planning this for 10-15 autoflowers). Then it is just simple. I want to connect it with this system - http://www.blumat.at/automatic-watering-system.php#bltropf. Looks pretty simple and effective to me, and I heard some positive feedback too. I want to make my plants self sufficiet, when there wont be enought rain and I want to eliminate my visits at the plants to maximum twice a week - just to add fresh feedings or if needed add more water to the system. My questions are - Does anyone of you guys tried something like this before ? Anyone have any experience with Tropf Bloomat ? When I add the GHS feedings into the water tank and let it there for a longer time, is it cool (I mean if it is ok to have mixture of water and GHS feedings in the tank for a longer time ) ?

Thanks !! Bye ! :biggrin:

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yeah like tok ithink it could work but you need to keep that mixture shaking in some way don't know if one of those airstone would do the work? never saw them in action.

But yeah dripper could work, and 7 days like mentionned and all should be fine

Good luck

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I want to use a water tank (barecl or whatever) that will be placed abowe the plants. The best is just to use a place on a hill, you can just put the water tank couple of meters up the hill. I hope I wont have to fill the tank again (except the first). I hope there will be enought rain to keep the water tank full. Then I will just add fresh feedings and enjoy. ;)

I made a picture ( soory I am a baaaad artist :nea: ), but I hope it will be enought to show my intention.

Dust - What airstones ? never heard of anything like that. And yes it makes sense to keep the mixture flowing. Maybe some clever use of gravity/water flow ?


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if you have lots of wind you could built a kind of wing that would turn with wing and a piece would go in reservoir and mix :P :P Mc Gyver style ^^

Yeah a tank like that sounds nice if you have a good dripper at the end and it doesn't go too fast could be nice, but for the shaking i don't really think of anything yet.. i'll keep thinking ^^

good luck

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