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if somebody smart it is good, but I smart only like this... Just maybe I was need other topic for this talking maybe in medicine, but I don`t have many ideas and time for all it. also for me all this is not so important because I already know about it and for me no big sense many talking about it. all this working with pc or smartphone is also does not helpfull in mostly case. but this is real life and nothing to do with it. But some body of course can think and live other way before all is no so bad. I am really not a papi here and not guy who asking for any help with marijuana.


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7 minutes ago, g22 said:


Maybe your brain need goed fat and good flesh to can  work correctly  and a good fat  butt  of a cow grilled on the bbq🤣🤣🤣

A man with a low test level is not a man

Preparando unos pinchos de cerdo 🐽 me pillas @g22


Preparing some pork skewers 🐽 you catch me @g22


Se que no viene a cuento @Jose.gh pero con permiso sino lo borras o me comentas y lo borro yo amigo


I know it doesn't come to the story @Jose.gh but with permission but you delete it or tell me and I delete it, my friend


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why don't you smoke herb amigo you must  loved it very much or you wouldn't be interested in growing cannabis or nostalgia for your youth find some MARIJUANA  and smoke it amigo and after a good specialty dish from your country with meat or a donner kebab😉

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Hace 26 minutos, g22 dijo:

Me gusta la carne de cerdo ya que dicen que todo está bien en la carne de cerdo. Me gusta la ensalada de lengua de cerdo con aderezos para ensalada (vinagre). 

Hay le has dado amigo 😉 👍 la lengua es uno de mis platos preferidos, con salsa de tomate, cebolla, laurel, orégano 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤



There you have given friend 😉 👍 the tongue is one of my favorite dishes, with tomato sauce, onion, bay leaf, oregano 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤

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Perhaps my words were not the right ones and yours were not the most correct either since in this page that is dedicated to the cultivation of cannabis you think that it may well serve you to write in your journal, I think you are wrong but who am I to tell you  what you can and cannot do with your welder inventions very well but this page does not fit brother

 Another thing I tell him is that my father rests in peace, so be careful 👀 with what we say


Quizás mis palabras no fueron las correctas y las suyas tampoco fueron las más acertadas ya que en esta página que esta dedicada al cultivo de cannabis usted se cree que bien puede servirle para escribir en su diario, creo que se equivoca pero quien soy yo para decirle lo que puede y no puede hacer con sus inventos de soldador muy bien pero en esta página no cuadra hermano 

Otra cosa le digo y es que mi padre descansa en paz, así que ojito 👀 con lo que decimos

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Vamos a ver lo siguiente hermano, las fotos te las dedico las plantas se van de fiesta 😉 👍 


Let's see the following brother, the photos I dedicate to you the plants are going to party 😉 👍







Amigos vamos a ver que tal le va algunas horas de luz de discoteca por la noche a las chicas

Efecto luna llena 🐺


Friends, let's see how the girls are doing a few hours of disco light at night

Full moon effect🐺


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Atento a las siguientes imágenes están dedicadas para ti 😂 😂 😂 


Attentive to the following images are dedicated to you 😂 😂 😂




Avisame cuando consigas eso 🔝 de una autofluorescente


Let me know when you get that 🔝 from a autofluorescent

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After much 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤

 Yes @g22 and @OG.Naj now I can say a word since they leave me without them, thank you very much friends the truth that they are splendid, and without irrigation until Friday I will pass:victory:


Después de mucho 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 

Si  @g22 y @OG.Naj ahora consigo decir alguna palabra ya que me dejan sin ellas, muchas gracias amigos la verdad que están espléndidas, ya sin riego hasta el viernes que pasare cuentas :victory: 

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2 minutes ago, gasmeter said:

@R.G.S todos son campeones hermano :clapping:

@R.G.S they are all champions bro :clapping:

Thanks friend @gasmeter S.L.H is a trichome factory, it is certainly good to plant a plant once in a while, but as for Exodus Cheese, it is always excellent according to my taste


Gracias amigo @gasmeter S.L.H es una fábrica de tricomas sin duda es buena para volver a plantar alguna planta de vez en cuando, pero en cuanto a Exodus Cheese para siempre es excelente según mi gusto


😉 👍 

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Buenas tardes amig@s y compañer@s de cultivo 24 horas antes de cortar las plantas ya les quito la reja para que lo vayan asumiendo 😂 😂 😂 


Good afternoon friends and cultivation partners 24 hours before cutting the plants and I remove the fence so that they are assuming it 😂 😂 😂_20200130_112227.thumb.JPG.b758aefb025a6cb6cd540291c6b4d220.JPG

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Ahora les dejo algunas fotos más de las bellezas de la competición 


Now I leave some more photos of the beauties of the competition


Sustrato casi seco 


Almost dry substrate





Y las bellezas 😘 


And the beauties 😘
































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Como bien dice @gasmeter todas son campeonas así que voy a mostrarles la belleza de estructura de cada una por separado empiezo por


As @gasmeter says, they are all champions, so I will show you the beauty of the structure of each one separately.












EC#3 (the best for my) 






All together 




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