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*COMPLETE* McRadikal--White Lemon--PowderFeeding--10 nov 2012


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awesome bro , i got a bit of a melon like smell on one of the plants i got as well. but yeah man you did a good job understanding my question yeah sound's like you have similar experiences to me. i think you will notice as the flower's mature that the odor will evolve to be alittle more heavier dank kinda smell and less citrus like in the last week the pungency or strengh of the odor really picked up on all the plants i had.

anyways man great stuff have a good finnish the plant's look great !

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awesome bro , i got a bit of a melon like smell on one of the plants i got as well. but yeah man you did a good job understanding my question yeah sound's like you have similar experiences to me. i think you will notice as the flower's mature that the odor will evolve to be alittle more heavier dank kinda smell and less citrus like in the last week the pungency or strengh of the odor really picked up on all the plants i had.

anyways man great stuff have a good finnish the plant's look great !

Thanks, but I do not have the same harvest your buds are awesome hehehehe friend, as you say almost similar.

Good luck and good smoke.

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Comienzo este post con los ultimos datos de control y fases lunares, puesto que tristemente para mi ya he cosechado las 4 White Lemon digo triste por que eran la alegria de mi jardin secreto y les he cogido cariño a estas plantas :girlwah: , bueno despues de tanto sentimentalismo pasemos a los graficos.

I begin this post with the latest monitoring data and moon phases, sadly for me since I have already reaped the Lemon 4 White say they were sorry for the joy of my secret garden and I have grown fond of these plants :girlwah:, well after both sentimentality move on to the graphics.


Seguidamente les dejo los datos individuales de cada planta antes de su cosecha.

Then I leave the individual data of each plant before harvest.


Y este fue el devastador resultado cuando el hombre toma parte en la naturaleza, no he sacado muchas fotos no me gusta recrearme con las plantas colgadas y sin vida.

And this was the devastating result when man takes part in nature, I have not taken many photos to recreate not like hanging plants and lifeless.


Ya en el armario de secado, segun he puesto las fotos la primera corresponde a la Albina, seguida de la Comun#2 , Comun#1 y por ultimo y la primera en cosechar la Atigrada.

Already in the drying cabinet, according to the photos I put the first corresponds to the Albina, followed by Comun#2, Comun#1 and finally and the first to reap the Atigrada.

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congratulaltion man, another very nice journal finishing with some beautiufl ladies :D

Good luck in the drieing man i hope everything goes well and dry nicely for a good smoke ;)

Thank you for the pics, don't forget some dry pics ;)

Have a good smke

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congratulaltion man, another very nice journal finishing with some beautiufl ladies :D

Good luck in the drieing man i hope everything goes well and dry nicely for a good smoke ;)

Thank you for the pics, don't forget some dry pics ;)

Have a good smke

How about Dust.

I would make the weight of each plant dry and make the data as final report.

All lot of Thanks.

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La verdad un placer seguir todas tus publicaciones amigo!! Mis sinceras felicitaciones por tu hermosa cosecha!

Ahora a no desesperar y dejarlas secar y curar bien ;) jajajaja

Abrazo y buenos humos!

Gracias Gaston, desesperar no pero si debo tener mucho cuidado con el moho donde vivo es muy humedo y tengo muchas posibilidades de pillar el moho por eso no puedo dejar mucho las plantas en curado ni tampoco tener los cogollos muy gordos, por que se me pudren desde dentro.

Hasta que no entre el verano que me baja la humedad un poco no me puedo arriesgar.

Gracias por tus visitas y apoyos makina te deseo unos felices humos.

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congratulation Mc !!! you make good harvest !!

I think you have a nice amount with these 4 plants


Thanks Mininexus has been fine I think I'll have about 200 gr. approx in total, I'll tell you exactly when finished drying.

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Congratulations on the beautiful finish!! :) I know how you feel, it makes me sad to end their life as well, but we all know in the end what their fate will be..in your case some amazing looking green hanging nicely for us to drool over :) :) Very nice harvest bro..enjoy your hard work!


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