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Cannabissapean last won the day on April 23 2023

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    The Great Outdoors, Hiking, Camping, Caving, Kayaking, Bicycling, Gardening, Red Wine, Good Friends, Travelling. Recently added: Working-Out and Loving it!

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  1. Those are some beutiful Froszzzty Buds. Enjoy, man...
  2. Haha, @R.G.S. If the Earth's poles switch their positions, you won't need a compass to realize that. There will be plenty of other chaos as evidence.
  3. The brown spots are explained in the first post at the top of this thread. Here is a link to the top of this thread... https://forums.strainhunters.com/topic/14118-cannabissapeans-testgrow-of-kongs-krush-and-cloudwalker/
  4. BEDZ, editing in photo album doesn't work, because the rotation in photo album works only for the "display" of that photo on your device when viewed through that photo album. What you need to do is open the photo in a photo-editor like "Paint" (or some other photo-editor). There you can perform the rotation, but then you must "SAVE" the photo under a different name. Only then will the rotation be saved under the new file-name. And now, you will need to be sure to upload this "NEW" photo to the forum, not the "old" photo.
  5. Everything looks just fine. Don't worry about those yellowing leaves lower down, perfectly normal. Cute pretty kitty...
  6. Usually, you should be able to find the instructions with the seller online. But if not, here is the way it works by my experience: 1. You must be very clean with everything you do. 2. Best is to use distilled water to prevent introduction of any contamination that may be in your tap water. 3. Barely open the lid and pour in distilled water to wet the substrate completely. Close the lid and let it soak for about 15 minutes. 4. After 15 minutes, barely open the lid again and tip it to drain away excess water. Do not allow the substrate to fall out of the plastic container. 5. Now place the plastic container inside the clean plastic bag, remove the lid, and lightly fold the top of the bag only once and clip closed with the clips. The bag should not be hermetically sealed, just one fold. This should allow gases to exchange without allowing dust particles to get in. 6. Now place the bag in a dark place about 24°C, but best do not use a heater. The temperature needs to be room temperature with as few temperature changes as possible. 7. It must be left as still as possible, no movement. 8. In 3 to 5 days, you should begin to see small white spots. Keep it dark and still. These white spots are the beginnings of the fruiting bodies. 9. Have fun, be careful.
  7. Pink Floyd - "Echoes" Pompeii
  8. Yes, the white spots do indicate that there is something eating the leaf. Most likely spider-mites or small caterpillars or white-flies. The white spots indicate that the pest is eating or sucking juices from the underside of the leaf. Either of these pests are difficult to eradicate, but it is possible. If it is caterpillars, you will see the tiny caterpillars and their tiny black balls of caterpillar shit at various locations on the plant. If it is spider-mites, you will begin to see fine white webs on the underside of the leaves with groups of tiny orange or brown mites hiding within the web. If a spider-mite infestation becomes advanced, then the webs will begin to cover the leaves and colas. If it is white-flies, you will see the tiny white fluffy flies on the underside of the leaves and on the stems, or flying about looking like fluffy white dandelion seeds released into the wind. If caterpillars, you can attempt to locate and remove all the caterpillars and their little balls of shit, but then you will need to treat to prevent their return, because it is nearly impossible to find them all; they hide everywhere around the plant and the pot, in the soil, on the balcony, etc. If spider-mites or white-flies, such individual capture is not possible and you must treat with some kind of pesticide. Regardless which of these pests you have, you should definitely do something, otherwise, the rest of the plants in your entire home are in danger. Keep in mind also, that it is possible that these pests originated from the other plants in your home or garden, so you might need to treat EVERYTHING in order to eradicate them. You can try a solution of Neem Oil. Neem Oil is a natural pesticide, but normally these pests require something a bit stronger. In your garden center, ask for a pesticide that is appropriate for the pest that you have. It is good that your plants are so young. Using such a pesticide on Cannabis means that the existing leaves should be noted (marked) such that you do not use them in any way. Only the leaves that grow after the application of the pesticide should be used. To mark the treated leaves after treatment, simply cut away the outer 1/3 to 1/2 (one-third to one-half) of each and every leaflet. That way, at harvest, you will know to throw away any leaf that is not full-length. This is usually not a problem for plants that are so young, because you are not interested in these early leaves anyway. At harvest, you are wanting to harvest only the flowers and the tiny leaves found in the flowering cola. Don't worry, cutting away 1/3 to 1/2 (one-third to one-half) of every leaflet will not hurt the plant; it will recover just fine. In fact, doing so will encourage the plant to accelerate new growth. Do not delay in treating against these pests. They can destroy the plant if not treated. If a spider-mite infestation occurs in the flowering stage, then your harvest is basically lost; spider-mites make a terrible mess of the blooms. Normal spiders (any spider that is not a spider-mite) are not a problem at all, because they hunt, catch and eat the pests. Unfortunately, a normal spider cannot catch them all. There are some other beneficial creatures that you should allow to remain on the plant. Lady-bugs (Marienkäfer) are good. As well, preying-mantis are good if you are lucky enough to have them. Any form of wasp is good, as they hunt the pests too. Some garden centers will sell some of these hunters, or you can order them in the internet. Unfortunately, if you use a pesticide, that will drive away the natural pest hunters. (Can't keep the cake and eat it too.) Good luck eradicating your pests.
  9. @edouble2369, welcome to StrainHunters. Whenever you are ready, please do start your first journal. Best place to start is click on "Browse", then scroll down to "Grow Journals Indoor", click there. Then find "Start New Topic", click in and give it a title, then add a few Tags (Keywords) separated by commas. Then begin writing... Add pictures from your computer by scrolling down inside any text editor and clicking on "choose files"... When ready to submit a post, click on "Save" or "Submit". You can always change anything by clicking on "Edit" found at the bottom of any of your posts. We are looking forward to your participation.
  10. 1600 Watts in a 1.2m x 1.2m tent is approaching the simulation of growing Cannabis on the sunny side of the planet Mercury. not really... Sorry BEDZ, just kidding... I just thought that that sounded funny, so I had to write it.
  11. Long stems. But that's still OK. Take good care of them, and at the next up-potting, you can bury them right up to the baby leaves and they will develop new roots along those long stems. If you provide a slight breeze/air movement in the grow area, that can help them to strengthen their stems.
  12. @MalikaAh, you make very nice close-up pictures. So far, the pictures show that the plant is not yet ready to flower, but that it is growing and maturing and preparing to enter the pre-flowering phase. For me, it is still too early for me to determine its sex. Patience, bro. It will come with time.
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